in deep thought

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He drains the water in the bathtub, he sees a bottle of lotion and squirts it on his hand applying the vanilla mango scent all over his smooth skin. He gets up carefully and slides a robe on his body, the fluffy fabric on his smooth silky skin felt nice. The door suddenly opens revealing Hwansoo.

She smiles holding a outfit, which was obviously for jimin. "Time for makeup!" she laughs lightly, she's a nice girl.

She gestures Jimin over to a chair in front of a desk and mirror, the desk had all sorts of skin and makeup products. Expensive products jimin has never heard of before.

He takes a seat on the chair and watches through the mirror, he watches Hwansoo put the outfit on the rack and walks up behind jimin, she brushes jimin's damp gray hair, she parts it in the middle, showcasing jimin's forehead. "You don't need much makeup, you look very pretty." She smiles. Jimin's lips twitched a little in temptation of a smile, but at the same time he knew it was a lie, he's ugly, just like jungkook said.

She applies a lotion on jimin's face and then puts on a pink strawberry lip balm on his plump lips. She dabs a light pink blush on his slim cheeks and then puts on a light purple eye shadow on his eyes. 

"Do you like it..?" She asks, leaning forward beside him looking in the mirror. Jimin just simply nods, knowing nothing can fix the ugly details of his face. 

"Jimin i know you've gone through a lot.. jungkook he's.. he's a dick.. i'm truly sorry, if i had any power over the situation i would let you live your life however you want. Just know you do not have to let go of all strings to emotion. Please have some hope Jimin." Hwansoo offers a encouraging glimpse.

Jimin ponders over the thought.. it can't be true, the days he has suffered, what hope is there left to hold onto? Jimin nods once more, Hwansoo walks off and gets the outfit from the rack she hands it to jimin.

"You can change, once you are done come outside." She pats his shoulder and exits the bathroom

Jimin changes into the new attire. 

The tight black pants fit his slim legs nicely, the shirt

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The tight black pants fit his slim legs nicely, the shirt.. well it was barely a shirt, more like a shawl, it would lift up even if he did the slightest of actions. He might as well go on without a shirt. Who picked this?? well of course it was Jungkook.

Jimin sighed and walked up to the mirror, looking at his reflection, he looked deep into his own eyes which was filled with nothingness. He slightly frowns looking at his saddening expression.. Depression has a floor, a rock bottom, and finding it is a curse. When you hit it, when it feels as if you should stay down, something usually urges you to get back up, but for jimin.. he has nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing, he has no family, no friends, no kids, no pets, no bright starry night to look forward to seeing with his lover, no late night drives, no peaceful vacations to the beach, no more binge watching his favorite shows. 

 Everything in his life has been swooped away by some invisible hand, he's been caused so much pain and the damage that is yet to be repaired. He's stopped asking what "optimal" is; in this depression he's not seeking the happier version of himself. He can't recall the last time he reached out for the hope that glimmers somewhere deep within these dark caves of what we call humanity, The hope and pride that jimin once had has fallen into a black hole, somewhere in existence, begging to be found in the swooping swarm of madness.. He started to see darkness around the lights instead of the other way around, and soon there were no more colors in his world. They say there is a rope ladder out of depression, one you can use to climb out of it, the problem is that He just can't find the will to reach out for the first rung, let alone try.

The only thing he has now is..

His very own demons.

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