lustful love

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Jimin shifts uncomfortably in his slumber. He feels something.. something weird

He feels something moving inside of him at a speedy pace, he lets out little whimpers without noticing. He feels his body moving up and down and as he blinks away his sleep the movements become more clear and he feels himself getting fucked awake.

His eyes widen when he sees a fully dressed Jungkook standing in front of him, except for the fact that his dick is hanging out his pants and thrusting into Jimin's hole.

"JUNGKOOK" Jimin screeches as he balances himself on his arms and moans loudly as he feels Jungkook brush against his prostate. 

"Good morning angel!" Jungkook smiles while thrusting deeper and quicker into Jimin's heat.

"M-morning" Jimin falls on his back and spreads his legs out more so jungkook can have his way with him. Jungkook throws one of Jimin's leg over his shoulder while the other one is spread out. He pumps Jimin's flushed cock and licks the pre-cum off of it. Jimin smiles and throws his head back when he feels Jungkook licking at his slit and ramming into his abused prostate, he whimpers when he feels Jungkook hit that bundle of nerves which makes his whole body shiver in pleasure. 

He suddenly hears a vibrator and he glances up to see Jungkook holding one with a wild grin. He rubs the toy against Jimin's abdomen and stomach and watches as Jimin arches his back while rolling his eyes to the back of his head when Jungkook hits his prostate really good. Jungkook continues his actions and watches as Jimin moans in pleasure. Jimin then leans forward and kisses jungkook sloppily. Jimin sticks his tongue out with a teasing smirk and Jungkook chuckles and circles his tongue around Jimin's tongue, both of them grinning while their saliva's mix.

"Your lucky i brushed your teeth while y-you we're asleep." Jungkook mumbles while speeding up his pace. Jimin bites his lip and nods. Moments later Jimin throws his head back and rolls his eyes to the back of his head, smiling. He cums hard and Jungkook does too.

They both recover from their highs and get ready for the day.


Everyone was in the dining room, everyone except Jimin, who was currently waiting outside the big door to the dining room. He was nervous to face everyone's glares and harsh yelling.

He looks down at the ground and sighs. Finding the courage, he finally brings his hand up and twists the door knob.

All the members stop chewing on their food and look ahead to the door. Yoongi looked pissed while the others looked like they we're trying to control him. Jin gave him a warm smile.

"Come sit Jimin, we got an extra chair for you." Jin pats the seat next to him and Jimin gives him a tight lipped smile.

He walks over and takes a seat on the chair. He noticed the other members have gone back to eating and he sinks down in the chair feeling a wave of nervousness wash over him like a tsunami. 

He slowly reaches over for his fork and looks at the food in his plate while furrowing his eyebrows.

He clears his throat and all the boys look at him immediately. Jimin turns into jelly under all the stares, "H-hey i was just wandering why my pancakes are cut into.." He looks down at the plate and then back at them. "Bite-size pieces.. I mean i could have cut them myself" he laughs nervously. 

Yoongi lets out a dark chuckle. "Well since you can't do anything right we didn't want you to hurt yourself with a knife, so we cut it for you."

"Ah.." Jimin says while frowning and biting his lower lip. He forces a smile and pushes the plate a little ahead of him. He slowly gets up and bows, "Actually uh I don't really have an appetite right now so i guess ill see you all later." He excuses himself and leaves the room.

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