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2 cups of hot cocoa are set on the table.

i stare at the cups unfazed, watching as the marshmallows float on top of the hot steamy beverage. What if those marshmallows were bodies? lifeless bodies floating in the water, dead. Thats what i wanted to be right now.


To be at peace.

To finally be in peace. Away from this terrifying world where who knows what the fuck is going to happen next. I look around the now new room with plenty of light almost blinding me.

"So park, lets talk"

The familiar man sits on the chair beside me and takes a cup of the beverage and takes a sip, i don't say anything.

Maybe if i ignore him he'll go away?

Ah fuck, who am i kidding.

"Not gonna talk, hm?" He snaps his long ass fingers in front of my face,

Can he not? Bitch get your crusty ass fingers away from me.

They're kinda hot thou-


I look around the room trying to avoid eye contact at all costs. He clearly caught on what i was trying to do and snickers. Out of nowhere, fucking nowhere, i feel my hand getting manhandled and being shoved down a cup of steaming hot cocoa, I yelp and pull my hand back immediately "WHAT TYPE OF FUCKERY IS THIS?? THAT SHIT WAS HOT" i hiss in pain as i hold my hand. The handsom- i meant ugly man beside me chuckles but then his face changes to a cute bunny smile to a devils glare and i swear my eyes just deceived me.


"Maybe next time don't act like a prick and ignore me" he huffs out and takes a sip of his cocoa. A noticeable scowl spreads my lips as i grind my teeth in annoyance, almost shattering them all. I settle back down in my seat looking down to the ground. "your the one who wanted this interview shall i remind you?" I roll my eyes.

What if i-

No i shouldn't.

But what if i just?

No park jimin for fucks sake.

But when do i ever make smart decisions.

After having a very fun convo inside my mind, i look over to The man sitting beside me, who currently looks very concerned, Probably from the faces i make while talking to myself.

Without thinking of course i grab my cup of hot chocolate and splash the hot liquid all over the man.

My lips ajar and jaw wide open, what the fuck have i done.

The man has his eyes shut and his mouth wide open while he wipes the beverage from inside his eyes.

"What, did you expect me to melt?" he chuckles.

I slump back down in my seat and pout, "Kind of.."

Suddenly i shoot back in my chair as his hand gets a strong grip of my jaw and yanks it forward making me look directly at his dark eyes.

"Big mistake doll." he growls.

My eyes widen.

The last thing i would want right now is for this maniac to rape me again.

This is going to be embarrassing as hell.

"I-im sorry I'm a i-idiot and i wasn't thinking"

He pushes my face back from his strong grip and growls, "clearly"

I gulp the lump in my throat.

"But ill let it go this time, because we have lots of work to do." i rub my jaw as i feel a fucking bruise starting to come. "Work? w-what type of work." I stutter like a idiot. He scoffs, "Your not the brightest are you?" My cheeks turn red in embarrassment,

Come on JImin don't let him see you being weak.

I mentally face palm myself.

"I did offer you a job didn't i? Woking kinda comes in the package love."

I roll my eyes at the sassy remark, This stupid dick is getting on my nerves.

The man suddenly gets up and takes my arm and practically drags me out of the room and down the hallway. We stop in front of a locked door at the very end of the hallway where not many employers come. I stare at the door and then back at the man, his gaze meets mine and he grins.

"Ill give you a little glimpse of what your job is going to look like buttercup" He whispers as he gets a key from his back pocket and opens the door.

What. The. Fuck.

Lets just say i wasn't expecting this.

B-blood, everywhere, bodies hanging left and right, adults, teens. kids, fuck even babies. Some have their ears chopped off, some have their mouths stitched in a creepy ass smile, some have their eyes plucked out.

Tons of lifeless cold bodies scattered all over the place.

The man giggles and walks inside,

"Welcome to the rest of your life park Jimin"

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