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Third perosn pov-

Jimin walks through a sliding glass door into a big room filled with gym equipment and Mats. He takes a look around and sighs while walking over to the expensive looking equipment.

His eyes glance over to a big machine at the corner of the room. Jimin wasn't a expert on exercise so he thought you put your legs up on the bars and try to lift yourself up.

"Let's give it a go" he silently whispers to himself.

He walks over to the big machine and manages to climb up onto the machine and swings his legs over the bars so either one of his legs are on each side. He's still a little sore from last nights fuck so he groans as a sharp pain travels up his lower spine and back thighs. He throws his head back so his head is swinging down and his world is now upside down. Come to think of it, he's pretty high.

Jimins pov-
Uh oh
We've got a problem. My arms don't reach the floor and I cant lift myself up due to the pain in my lower spine.
Fuck I'm stuck
"HELPPPP" he yells hoping his superhero will come and save the day.

I try and swing my head and my arms up so I can reach the bar on top of me but the pain in my back is making it 100 times harder.

Well fiddly fuck it looks like I'm going to be here a while.

After a few minutes I feel my legs go numb.

Weren't they supposed to meet me here? Where did they go?

"Helppppp" I yell with the last of my vocal chords from telling for 10 minutes straight, I feel all the blood in my body rush to my head and I start feeling dizzy and numb all over.

It's hopele-


I glance at the direction of the voice as I see a confused Hoseok at the entrance.

We stare at each other and awkward silence fills the big room.

Next thing I knew he started cackling his ass off and drops dead to the floor as he has a full on seizure.


He starts saying a mixture of words mixed in with laughter and I roll my eyes at the hyper man currently hyperventilating on the floor in front of me.

"H-how did you get up there" he gets up from the floor and walks up to me while wiping a few of tears that threatened to leave his eyes.

I sigh "I guess exercising isn't really my thing"

At this he starts laughing again and I roll my eyes for the 2nd time,

"O-oh you thought HAHAHA" he clenches onto his stomach as tears start to brimmed at the corner of his eyes once again.

"What?" I say confused,

It's true, I tried getting up to exercise my back but it didn't work out and I could barely left myself up,

"I-I-oh god Jimin your such a dumbass"

Hoseok says,

Just as I was about to testify 5 more male figures enter through the front door and all of their eyes land on me and staring at me in disbelief.

"What the fuckity fuck?" Jin says

Hoseok chuckles and turns around facing the 5 males.

"I have an announcement to make everyone."

Hoseok suppresses a laugh and snickers instead,

"Jimin thought the pull up machine was for your legs and back so he climbed up and got stuck,."


Nothing but silence.

My cheeks turn a crimson red as well as my ears.
Pull-ups? Oh fuck-

Huge amount of laughter's suddenly erupt the room and bounce off the Walls as all 6 males cackle like maniacs in front of me.

"Is he dumb?!" Namjoon smacks Jin's broad shoulder while laughing and Jin looks at him and laughs in response,

His laugh sounding like washing windows.

After a few minutes of laughing which felt like an eternity,

They all face me and wipe their tears,

"Okay Okay I get it! I'm sOoo hilarious and I thought the pull up machine was for your back but please for the love of fuCK GET ME DOWN FROM HERE"

Jungkook chuckles and walks up to me with a grin plastered on his beautiful face.

Fucking bastard, I can't be mad at him for laughing when he looks like that.

"Tsk, Jimin, haven't you heard of respect?"

I furrow my eyebrows at the statement.

"W-what do you me-"

I get interrupted as his long finger presses against my plump lips shushing me.

His nasty grin never leaves his face. "Shh.. now if you want to get Down so bad you should at least say it in a nice manner hmm?"

I stare at him and see s spark of lust in his eyes.

Horny fucker.

A loud groan interrupts our moment

"ugh stop with the kinky shit already"

Yoongi pushes jungkook aside and pulls my arms down making me tumble to the ground and groaning in pain,

I hear chuckles around me as the blood finally spreads throughout my entire body and I feel relief.


I look up to see a pleasant grin on both yoongi and jungkook's faces.

"You idiot! You could've broke me!" I yell, clearly frustrated.

I see jungkook's she's darken at the statement and i furrow my eyes in confusion, why is he mad at me now?

Yoongi snickers and walks off to join the others at the other side of the room as jungkook and me stay left behind.

Jungkook looks back at me, still on the floor.

He grabs a harsh hold of my chin and lifts it up, nearly lifting my whole body from the ground, centimetres away from his face.

I gasp and look into his dark glowing orbs.

"No Jimin he didn't break you," he growls and I gulp.

"Only I can break you"


AHAHAHA sorry this chapter was pretty rushed, I'll try to update more regularly as well.

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