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I shift around in the comfortable blue and grey sheets. I turn my head to the side.


I groan and push my hair back aggressively. It's been 4 hours and I haven't Been able to sleep due to the extremely painful boner I had.

The only light that can be seen was the moon light that permeates through the light beige curtains. A beautiful glow shines on the bed just enough to see both mines and Jungkook's faces.

How can one be so cruel to leave them horny in bed while sleeping with whom made him horny. It's just plain savage.

I had second thoughts about touching myself Or not, Jungkook the traitor said not too but how would he know anyways.

I shouldn't even be getting horny from a man who's going to be selling me to my monstrous father. The man who tortures me and makes my life a living hell. The man who made me fix all mistakes that I made myself. The man who taught me being homosexual was wrong. The man who buys me love. The man who thinks his son would be happy getting physically and emotionally abused everyday. The man who was supposed to protect him from all evils of the world but instead his father is one of the evils he has to face. He's supposed to be my father, he's supposed to love and protect me so why doesn't he?

I sigh as the thoughts flow through my head.

I groan and reach down to take my pants and boxers off.

Fuck it.

My cock is hard as a rock and dripping pre-cum trails from the side.

I tease the tip a little with my finger and whimper slightly.

I then start stroking my length and try to suppress any of my moans and whispers, but fuck it's hard too.

My strokes get quicker as I feel a rush of adrenaline pump through me. A pool of heat forming in my lower stomach. I moan rather loudly then I intended but I don't pay attention to anything but the pleasure I bring upon myself. I barley even pay attention to how I mumble out jungkook's name once in a while.

It's all closing in as I feel my high being near. I throw my head back and start stroking more quicker.

Suddenly a firm hand grabs the hand that I was using to stroke my length.

I gasp and look to my right.

I see Jungkook with a devil looking smirk and lust and a furious tint clouding his dark orbs.

I look at him in fear, I fucked up.


"What a naughty fucking boy. I tell you not to touch yourself and I wake up to see you whimpering and panting. Fuck your even moaning my name." He cuts me off in a raspy voice.

A shiver goes down my spine when I hear the growl he adds at the end.


You know what fuck this, it's his fault anyways.

"Well what'd you expect!! You fell asleep while my dick is-"

I get caught off when jungkook's arm wraps around my waist and his other wraps around my neck so he can slap a hand around my face.

"Shh" He chuckles deeply.

"Mmm!!" I yell at him but it all comes out muffled.

He lays be back on the bed and he takes his hand off my waist so he can grab my thigh and swing my leg around his waist. My ass half-hanging in the air and my petite waist against his.

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