Optimus decides something

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"What do you mean she goes under the treehouse?" Optimus asks.

"That's just it." Skids said. "She goes under the tree house or is in the treehouse for most of the day."

"But when Ivy is out of the treehouse; the human is eating, relieving herself, and getting ready for the day." Mudflap explains."One solar cycle she came out with a scar on her forehead and a friend of hers came out acting concerned."

"Ivy talks to thin air!" Skids said. "She calls the air as 'Alex'."

"It is like Oxygen, Water, Titanium, Chlorencide, and so on get common earth names from her!" Mudflap said.

Skids elbow punches Mudflap.

"There's no such thing as Chlorencide, Muddy." Skids said.

"Ah, says the one who says Nitrogenizencide is a thing!" Mudflap reminds Skids.

Skids stares back at Mudflap point blank and narrows his optics.

"I said Carbon Dioxide." Skids said.

"Enough of your argument about particles." Optimus said, easing their current anger feeling atmosphere. "I will assign someone else to watch over Ivy." The twins share a relieved sigh.They could only pity who ever had to take the boring task. "A human does not normally stay underground for an entire solar cycle."

"Well, you're talking about Ivy; she stays inside most of the time." Ironhide said, driving into the hangar.

"How can Ironhide possibly know what we're talking about?" Skids asks.

"I don't know!" Mudflap said, as Optimus rubs the bridge part that is set between his optics. "Maybe you're bugged!"

Ironhide transforms into his robot mode.Skids gasp as though the very suggestion could be very plausible to be done by Ironhide.The 'turch-etch-urch-ech' sounds were made by the unfolding, flipping, and moving metal parts to Ironhide.His wheels clicked into place. His headlights had remained in place as well.

"As it has been a few months since you've left and Crosshairs came back; it is clearer than a rotten Decepticon." Ironhide  said.  "She needs a routine to do everyday; hence, her diagnoses."

"Uh...what?" Skids and Mudflap said.

"Aspergers." Ironhide said. "She needs to know what to do everyday."

"Every...solar...cycle." Skids said.

"Normaly, a child would be out and about doing some not admirable actions." Ironhide said. "Unlike kids who have fun doing things." Ironhide had to pause there thinking about how to best explain the differences. "Asperger kids...oh well, they're different. But mostly intellegent and straightforward." Mudflap raises a optic brow. "They're all different in their unique way."

"Like Ivy's...very boring days?" Skids asks, as Muddflap lowers his optic brow.

Optimus looks over to Ironhide.

"I assume you've not watched through the window." Ironhide said.

There is a eerie silence between the three. Skids rubs the back of his helm and Mudflap looks wide eyed.

"...That sounds pretty intrusive." Skids said.

"Remember what Ivy did with you two?" Ironhide asks.

The two twins grumble and act grouchy.

"She did it every solar cycle." Mudflap said, lowering his helmet with a groan. "Oh, our poor doors."

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