One year later

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It's been one year since I supposedly 'died'. And I've successfully been planning my revenge on Triangle for stealing zhe bucket. The year is 2008. I have been designing my revenge even when a couple took me in the state Florida. In the span of a year learning in this new school;I had some other problems. Well mainly with a group of students making various attempts to outcast me, say things behind my back, and tease me for my speech problem.

Like for example. I will give you a brief example from hours ago.

"Did you hear how she pronounced one?" Catherine Belt,a very unlikeable student for me, whispers to her friend Alex Josh.

And this is at lunch. At freaking lunch.

"What did she pronounce on?" Alex asks.

"She didn't pronounce on anything." Catherine said, furrowing her eyebrows.

Oh yeah I was right across from their table. Hearing every slagging word.

"And who are we talking about again?" Alex asks, tilting his head. His steamy bacon--yes,bacon--was lain on the plate uneaten. Half of his brownie is gone. his napkin is filled with the crumbs. "Are talking about the math teacher's fast paced Spanish accent?"

Alex is the one who doesn't have enough processor cells to compute what Catherine says.

"No." Catherine said, shaking her head as the other kids at the table made a laugh. "I'm talking about that Abbigal freak."

I was eating cheeseburger with chicken nuggets, fruit, pudding, and a chocolate milk.

"The one who smashed potatoes in your face and scolded you for calling the tomato bucket a 'red squash container item?"  Alex asks.

"She's not a English teacher." The girl beside Catherine, named Emily Beans, adds in to the conversation.

"She sure acts like won." Catherine said, with a bright grin.

". . .Is that a pun?" Alex asks, confused.

"No." Catherine said. "That's how Abbigal freak says  'one'."

"What about run?" Alex asks, again.

"She still says won." Catherine said, with a nod.

To be fair it is  amusing to see them bicker about English and speech. Society may consider them as bullies.I ignored their words because fear cannot control me. I cannot let the bullies get what they want out of me; a reaction.  I chose the name Abbigal Bell to live under, not surprisingly, in Florida.

Only one person knows my real name.

"Ivs!" Sydney, an African American eight year old girl, swings down the tree house branch. Well basically she is hanging upside down.  "I've found it!"

I look up from the computer--that has a diagram of my crucial plan--with little doubts she 'found it'.

"This is surprising." I remarked.

"What is, girly?" Sydney asks.

"You wanting all your blood to go straight into your brain." I said.

Sydney helped herself up  and flipped down to the wooden plank boards built beside the tree house building.

"Ivs." Sydney said. "I found it."

"Found what?" I ask.

"I found the jet." Sydney said.

"What jet?" I ask, feeling like a investigator interrogate a suspect.

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