Authors note

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This story is basically the child version of 'This is Crazy, but I'm in the Bayverse!'. This story focuses on friendship more than love because kids want to have friends at that point and have a exciting adventure! Considerably this story is more edited than 'This is Crazy, but I'm in the Bayverse!'. At first in the beginning of this story--sometime in the first few chapters--I thought this story should act as a prequel to 'TISC'.

Then came a whole load of ideas.

And a "No, you're not gonna ruin this funny story!"

I was on the bus one day brainstorming and listening to music when this scene idea landed:

She had been left behind by Ironhide. Weren't Autobots not suppose to leave behind their charge? Was she that annoying? Ivy was huddled inbetween two trashcans, shaking and trembling.She looks visibly hurt. Ironhide had left her behind. Her eyes are teary. One tall dark shadow and another much shorter shadow that had a 'microchip' kind of body structure.

"Master, I told you this human is a coward." Starscream said.

Ivy stood up trembling.

"Ki--kill me!" Ivy yells, her hands clenched into fists. "Just get this over with."

"Gladly." Starscream gleefully said, raising up his straightened arm.

Starscream at first begins powering up his laser blaster.

"Starscream, no." Megatron said, making Starscream put his arm down. "We do not take orders from mere organics."

Ivy came mere inches away from Megatron's huge fusion canon.

"I am nothing special." Ivy said. We can see Megatron is quite surprised by her bluntness. "Now do yo--yourself a favor and KILL ME."

That scene ends with Ivy being killed off. Yes, what a sad way to start off a idea to a funny story.When I was thinking that scene up; I was busy listening to music and brainstorming.Shortly after that idea came into my head; what if this version of Ivy was a child? What if she befriended Megatron?What if she pointed out that Starscream was a chip?

From there, the plot evolved to the one seen in this novel.

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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