Hide's first Halloween

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. . . 2008.  . .

.  . .November 31st .  . .

"Since when do we have to get our holoforms dressed up?" Skids asks. "We never did that!"

Skids, Mudflap, Arcee,Crosshairs, and Ironhide were intending on going trick-or-treating. In their holoforms.

"Optimus finds your blending in skills quite horrible." Arcee said.

Ironhide was busy fiddling with The plastic toy story deputy badge on his woody costume. He wans't paying the slightest attention to the argument between Arcee and the twins. Crosshairs was just dressed up as himself holding a orange plastic container that resembled a pumpkin that has glowing yellow freaky eyes that had a black connecting lid attached to both sides. Everything that had lids reminded Ironhide of Ivy's bucket, and, how he failed to protect her. Ironhide was trying to avoid that small reminder.

"Hey!" Skides and Mudflap argue. "We blend in well!"

"As icecream partners." Crosshairs said. "A little too good."

"Hey, you're just jealous we give kids free icecream." Mudflap insinuates.

Ironhide looks up to the shorter holoforms of the twins. Their current holoforms were set to be children sized, their phyisical holofo0rm appearances even indicated they were both boys in their childhood years, and were wearing costumes. Their costumes was a skeleton suit that had had bones that glow blue in the dark.

"Trick or treating is a event that we rarely take part in." Ironhide said. "And humans started doing this event to ward off children from trouble-making."

Skids pulls up his skeleton mask and looks at Ironhide puzzled.

"You gotta be joking." Skids said.

"No jokes." Ironhide said, in a chide kind of voice. He could see the night is drawing near and children were already out beginning the house to house event. "First house that we--as a group--are going to is the large creepy one over there."

Ironhide points precisely at the direction of a house that received a lightning bolt.

"No!" The twins protest.  "We're not going."

Ironhide groans, rubbing his forehead. We see his vehicle mode spring out two pairs of hooks that grab on to the twin's vehicle mode.

"I will tow you two, in vehicle mode, to every fragging house if needed." Ironhide threatens them. Arcee is dressed up as a cat with a tail and a headband that has cat ears. "Arcee and Crosshairs are here to make sure I do not end up killing you."

. . . Half a hour later  . .  .

.  . .After thirteen houses.  . .

"You miss her." Arcee said, leaning against the tree as Crosshairs is shoving the twins to the door of a house.

Ironhide turns his head towards Arcee's direction. He knew exactly who Arcee is talking about; he didn't need to ask or guess who the femme is referring to. Ironhide's holoform turns his head briefly away from Arcee's directing while grumbling about some subject.Children were walking by in Frankenstein costumes, scooby doo, ghost  costumes, superheroes, and cartoon characters. 

The Halloween night temperature wasn't so cold; well, when is it for a alien robot? Hardly.

"It is guilt." Ironhide said.  "Guilt cannot be changed."

"You should move on." Arcee said. "If Ivy was here; she would say the same."

"No." Ironhide said, in denial.  "She would have said,  'Mr Hide, where did ya get dah go'urd rails from?' or 'Cheer up, Mr Hide!'."

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