Triangle has a name?

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.  . . Sunday.  .  .

 . . . 3:35 PM  .  . .

Ironhide sneezed.

"Gaziltight." I said.

"Godzilla?" Ironhide repeated.

"I was saying bless you, basically." I said.

"Like the time you told me swag wasn't a word." Ironhide said.

I decided to pop up a random question then and there. This is  the same base--that I had been visiting for a month or so--that houses the Autobots.They are the ones who fight off these mythological entities called 'Cons' who I have yet to learn what they are. Ratchet even commented it was tempting to bring me into a Con battle so I can go into quiet mode and be there in a daze.

"Mr.Hide." I said.  "Is there another side?"

Ironhide glanced at me ever so strangely.Ironhide's optical branches narrowed with the main small bulb rotating in size and density.Ironhide's optics seemed smaller from below. If a human, who majors in alien biology, can do some scientific studies on what-ever-species-Autobots-are then they might come up with the reasonable answer if their optics can adjust size.

"I don't see another side to thin air." Ironhide said.

First thing out of his mouth is talking about thin air. Yippee.

"I mean is there another group of your kind?" I ask, making  a ball shape with my hands. "Like being the bad guys."

"The Decepticons." Ironhide said the name with total disgust. I tilt my head while feeling around zhe bucket with lots of interest. "We call them 'Cons' for short." Oh so, that's who 'cons' are. "They are the ones who do not like humanity and do not see mercy in offlining them."

I straightened my head. Well these guys sound more cruel than any villains from the movies.

"Such as the triangle dude who likes microchips?" I ask. 

 "Starscream." Ironhide said.

I repeated the name multiple times; kind of like how those two couple did with beetle juice I mean don't say his name three times or else--oh snap, did you just see beetle juice walk by Ironhide? Cause I think I just did. Oh man he's really the quirky kind of dead individual minus the ghost guy from Ghost and that guy from the Sixth Sense.

"I wasn't  expecting the triangle  to have a name that meant he's a individual who seeks for fame and screams for it." I said. 

I was dangling my legs over the edge of a hanger's staircase. Mikaela is off with her boyfriend 'Sam' doing something that's most often referred to  'smooching' and 'quality time’. Sometimes watching Ironhide build weapons is the most entertaining hours to waste. Asides to watching this green dude with huge goggles on his helmet and a English accent whine about his dented machine gun(s) and complain that he wasted his bullets on a mule (by accident, he always claimed)when intending to target a 'big ugly 'Con'.

Oh Machine Guns are one of my favorite guns in many science fiction movie such as Alien, Predator, and a few other movies. The movie with King Kong having a mate and a baby son; who he died protecting, was amazing.

"Ratchet." Ironhide said, turning his helmet upwards.  "I need you to scan her brain."

Ratchet had been walking by holding a cute gigantic--Aww a cute German Shepard that is a gigantic and somewhat robot like!

"Doooogiee!" I sqeal, jumping off the part where the rail ends.

I landed on Ratchet's huge wide fore arm and made my way to the adorable looking dog with red glowing optics.Ironhide snatched me right when I had my hand out towards this adorable cute resembling German Shepard alien dog that had spikes and pointy parts. I still held my trusty bucket in my right hand--yes, I am that determined to keep my storytelling item--while eyeing at the cute dark German Shepard robot dog.

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