Terrible singing

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"Are you ditching me?"I ask, standing at the sidewalk across from a house.

"No." Ironhide denied, fast.

I grabbed my bucket out from the passenger seat with a frown.

"Yes." I said. "You are."

"Hm," Ironhide grunted. "Explain to me what ditching is."

"Ditching is when you are leaving someone behind at some location that they are not familiar to and have never ever been in before." I said. "I have moved seven times. I don't have that many friends--well, I didn't have many at all--" I made a pucker face at him. "And I know how kisses bring parents into the 'chicka-bow--wow!' thing. And  don't tell me I have no idea when someone is ditching me!"

"I was.  .  .  .I was being sarcastic." Ironhide said, looking at me like a dude who wanted to hear simple english from a scientist.

And then I woke up on freezing cold hard rough ground.Oh yeah I apparently had fallen asleep on the floor. Well that has to be one of the most rude awakening and odd place to wake up. I may be a sleep walker who's really strange when asleep, but, this doesn't mean it's usual to wake up in coldness. I can see the sun rising in the distance fro a window across. My eyes adjusted to the lightning in the room.

"This terrible vocal singer?" I heard Ironhide.  "You want her to be my charge?"

Charge? So Optimus wants me to be his charger? I don't get his very fluent big worded vocabulary.

"Her bucket has a  cybertronian signature to it." Optimus replied.  "And I fear the Decepticons may want this."

"What about Ratchet?" Ironhide asks. "What about Crosshairs and those two short twins; they can withstand her singing."

I saw the two  robots were chatting at a empty space, where there is a big huge platform with unusual machinery around it. If watching movies such as Brave heart,Dragon Heart, and the 13th warrior are not enough to say this is a high tech scene of a 'hanging around quarters'  then what is? This 'hanging around quarters'  had weapons, metal beds, and devices I am not familiar to.

"They're busy." Optimus said.

I get up feeling bucketless.It wasn't beside me or in front of my feet.

"Where's my freaking bucket?" I holler, sounding crabby and tired. "I want zhe bucket!"

"She's awake." Ironhide grumbled.

Man, Ironhide is shorter than Optimus.

"Your bucket is being tested." Optimus said.

I walk quickly towards the two, until I was in front of these rails that bumped against me. I was right across from the gigantic alien robots from outer space. My mood is not the best; especially with a hungry stomach, a need to get dressed, take a warm bath and to do something worthwhile with myself.

"I don't understand." I said. "You can't test a bucket for mental illnesses."

Ironhide actually chuckled at that while slightly turning away from Optimus.

"We're checking if it's alive." Optimus said.

I stared seriously at him.

"Did you know inanimate items cannot talk back to you?" I ask, stumbling in my speech because of the grogginess. "When it's not really a robot that can disguise itself as something else and blend into society." I wave a hand as my stomach growled loudly. "Who's the guy testing it?"

Optimus and Ironhide were staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You  .  .  ." Ironhide said, pinching the place where the bridge of his nose should be.  "Erm."

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