Forgiveness is necessary

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..May 14th...6:30 PM...

For the past four years I've been living in a house with my own hand made machines capable of projecting 'holoforms' with their own personality and gender.Two of the main holoforms are Christopher and Callie; last names are both 'Holoform' to point out their little meaning. People think I am actually living with living individuals solid as day.

Boy, were they wrong.

Norway is right across from Denmark; the only thing that separates them is a huge body of water belonging to a sea.

I've been able to make a living far from America and those who I had befriended. It was tough leaving behind what had been made out of being friends with the Autobots and other people associated to them. No one had to know where I was going or else they would be dead by some follower of The terrible deceased Fallen.

"Lady Ivy," Christopher said, sizzling out into the living room blocking my view of the television set. "There's a porcupine and two vehicles requesting entrance to your underground garage."

I look up, a bit puzzled, and perplexed.

"...What underground garage?" I ask.

"The one you built." Christopher said.

""I never built a underground garage." I said.

"You were dreaming of another secret lab and you lost interest as there was not enough resources." Christopher said.

I frown and wiggle my nose.

"I didn't build this house, Christopher." I said.

"You stole it and you improved it," Christopher said. "And you added more parts to the building that it seems like a mansion. So you do have a underground garage that has been empty for the past two years,these robots seem desperate for your help."

"Dismiss them." I said.

Christopher clenches his jaw moving it to the side almost locking his teeth together.

"I cannot as they have our prized welcome center." Christopher said as I pressed the red button.

Damn, I am slowly starting to regret giving him access to holoform room activation.

"Welcome..." I start, putting my hands on the arm rest leaning forwards. "What?"

"Welcome center." Christopher said.

"Explain." I said leaning back into the chair and tap my fingers together sliding to the side getting a partial view of the TV screen.

"The talking robot meerkat." Christopher said, taking a step to the side getting in my way.

I tilt my head to the side.

"Are you sure I didn't make another raccoon capable of speaking?" I ask.

"Ivy, that raccoon is named Rocket." Christopher reminds me.I straighten my head grumbling 'right' begrudgingly. "Rocket has been doing a marvelous job in America being a kick ass retrieval specialist."

I get up off the couch.

"Fine," I said. "Let them in," I held up my index finger. "But I must see them in this underground garage."

Christopher quickly nods.

"I will open the door." Christopher said, and then he zapped away.

Wish I could zap away on the spot.

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