Megatron isn't making sense

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One night I couldn't sleep.It was dark at this time staring up towards the ceiling hearing the wind whistle through the window. My thoughts were dancing around hilarious creations so much that bad old Megatron had to come up into my room and request me to stop this annoyance on the double.Rufus started to act protectively. Megatron doesn't have to live the life of a girl with wild imagination.

This is where the road of luck ends between us.

"Alex, how do you know about McDonalds?" I ask, in my bed.

Rufus is at the corner of my bed staring at Megatron's presence lingering at the open closet.

"Your memories." Megatron said.

"Nah." I said. "I don't have specific memories about McDonald's."

Rufus is growling at Megatron. Though Rufus's growl is not commotion attracting. Because the growl is low, sincere, and going  'grr'. I could even see some of Rufus's teeth sticking out as he is in the defensive position.

"Your traumatic memory of falling from the monkey bars is very detailed." Megatron remarks. I narrow my eyes towards Megatron. "You do not need to be calling me 'Alex' in your room."

"Then at least tell me the truth." I said. 

"Not unless you call me by your name; in your room." Megatron said.

"I would if ..." I started and finished it in mid thought, if someone wasn't listening in.

"No one is listening in." Megatron said.

"Wrong." I said. "So wrong."

Megatron sighs, as I stroke down Rufus's head to his back.

"Jess." Megatron said.

I raise a brow.

"W--what again?" I ask.

"Jess." Megatron said, clutching his miniature-alized claw on the light bulb.

The closet became lit showing all of the hanging clothes, the terrible yellow wallpaper, the plastic boxes full of various items, and a row of neatly organized shoes. There is even a fire alarm programmed into the closet.It made me wonder often times when would the closet ever be open  during a fire. Because the Closet is rarely open. I have a drawer full of other clothes required necessities.

"She was a teenager." Megatron continues, taking his claw off the light bulb.

"So,is she dead?" I ask.

"Why no." Megatron said, shaking his right servo. He sent me a sharp glare. Rufus is growling, still, at Megatron's direction now standing on his four feet making a snarl.The thread to the light bulb is dangling left to right strongly resembling a hypnotic trance.  "Jess is alive."

"You just mentioned she  'was' a teenager." I point out. "That does not make sense." I shake my index finger up and down. "That strongly implies that she is dead!"

Megatron  has a laugh at my confusion.

"You wouldn't understand, anyhow." Megatron said. "I will meet her in your reality."

"You will meet a girl who you've already met." I said. "In my reality."

Megatron nods.

"How we meet is a complicated story for another day." Megatron said,as the thread swings through him. "Rufus,if you do not sit down I will get Ivy's golden humanoid robot machine and kill you in the worst way possible." His fury had no boundaries, that is for sure. Rufus whines cowering back sitting down on the edge looking scared."Good boy."

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