Facing foes

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We were facing a hybrid between  Exomorph and Predator. This twenty-five year old African American woman had the black claw attachments beside her mouth,The area reaching to her exposed knees to her feet strongly resembled exomorphs despite wearing blue jeans that ended two inches below her knee, she has a black armored chest that seems to be actually plate armor from a exomorph, she has a exomorph tail, one hand was a exomorph kind of style, and the other hand resembled much of a human.

I squealed when the actual Predator came walking out behind her.

"Go African Americans!" I cheered.

"That's the spirit!" Sydney said.

Sydney and I share a high five.

"Brittany Beronacles of Earth and Sler'ic of Predatoria vs Ivy Bell and Sydney no last name!" The Announcer from above shouts.

Sydney's face remarkably turns red. Her fingers were spread out and seem they were tempting to dig into someone's skin.I admire Sydney's advantage at not turning blue when she is sick, turning pink when she is embarrassed, turning white when scared, and her face turning a apparent red color.But now the strangest thing in history has happened; her face turned red.I believe Logic no longer applies to anyone around me.

"My name is Hannah Sydney ROLLINS!" Sydney screams, pulling up her middle finger.

"Sydney, you just flipped them off." I said, gasping at Sydney's probably stupid move.

Sydney turns her head towards my direction. She has this really confident vibe coming off. I don't really care about the whole first name and middle name issue being strongly obvious in a cornfield that has a UFO pattern. Besides her first name issue should be on the back burner until this issue on the Mega Cruiser is dealt with.

"My mom flips off the cops when speeding to the hospital." Sydney tells me.

Sydney looks back to the huge gigantic wide screen that had this ugly alien on the board that seems undecipherable what he is feeling. I almost felt pity for the ugly announcer who'se voice reminds me of the electrical dude from Shark Boy and Lava Girl. The ugly announcer straightens a small collection of board sized items, oh wait a better word is shuffled, in his glove shaped hands.

"Fine." The announcer made a fake improvised cough. "Hannah Sydney Rollins."

"Thank you." Sydney said.

"Let the fight begin!" The announcer declares.

Sydney and I had to use our brains in order to, err, kill the duo. The Arena is vast with dirt and rocks that seem not very friendly to a body crashing into the ground leaving a crater. Frankly grass is much kinder enough it does act as a cushion in some little way that prevented me from breaking a arm from Starscream dropping me two years ago. The two opponents were running right towards us fierce and scary looking.

Sydney takes off both her high heeled boots and threw them respectively at the two upcoming aliens headed out way.Fortunately the Predator dude--Oh wait, his name is Sler'ic-- was not wearing his helmet so he unfortunately was struck by the big boot at the head and sent falling backwards. Brittany screams clutching at her head as though the pain was hers, not his. Sydney's other boot flew over Brittany's head instead  of hitting it.

"Seeds!" I screech seeing a plastic container that had a couple seeds on a plate.  "Must plant these organisms!"

I speeded off towards the container quickly with Sydney tailing right after me.

"This isn't Jack and the Beanstalk, girly!" Sydney said, in-between breaths.

"This is a universe where logic does not apply." I remind Sydney. "Oooh lala!"

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