There's no mystery about a dorito shaped alien robot

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Truthfully there's no greater mystery in robots that resemble Food. You see there's an evolution theory in my mind that robots somehow become similar to their favorite product--if they love it that much--their body takes on that shape.Thankfully Ratchet didn't break my storytelling bucket into pieces. The medic guy claimed the bucket has some Cybertronian to it.

Since when does a plastic bucket become important right after being transported to some-where you don't belong?

"Can't I drop her off at the boy's house?" Ironhide asks.

"She's not their daughter." Optimus said.  "Considerably, a young human would be thankful someone else became the new center of attention for their parents; but this child.  .  ." Optimus looks ever so briefly down towards me like the main center of attention. "She is not adopted."

"I love Annie!" I declare, waving my arms.  "Annie."

"Annie?" IronHide repeats the red head's name.

"A fantastic red head singer with a dog." I babble. "And a bald guy similar to Piccard  takes her in." I still remember the fantastic movie, even a few of the songs from it. "The movie I remember is truly a masterpiece. It's what kind of and sort of inspired me to sing-a-lot." the way I  said it sounded like Camelot. "I still love it."

"A bald guy takes her in." Ironhide said, with a strange look.

"Well." I tap my fingers together. "He adopts her."

"I see  no other choice." The guy called Ratchet said. "How about the girl that Bumblebee's boy has a vivid attraction for?" Optimus's head is turned towards him. "We do not have beds for children."

"I do not like garages." Ironhide said, folding his arms with a gruff. "I will not be squashed into a small garage."

"You don't have to." Optimus said.

It seemed as though the big wise guy had a brilliant idea.

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.  .  . One month later . . .

The Autobots decided it was best for me to live with Sam's girlfriend. What I didn't honestly expect is to become the girl who  became the outcast in school, again. I have little to no friends and if the lights went out I would jump into someone's arms.Of course I did that, silly! Let's say the student dropped me as they were complaining this isn't a cartoon.

I can't remember what grade I am in right off the bat.

Math was never my best subject.

"Get your history homework done this time!" Mikaela's voice carried off from the garage.

"Okay, Motorcycle Girl." I said, rolling an eye.

"Did you just call me Motorcycle girl?" Mikaela yelled from the other room--probably fixing her car's engine--like a true Sherlock Holmes kind of girl.

".  .  . I  said Bokers Moru-ticuycle Quill." I lied.  "It's a law firm."

"Thought that's what I heard." Mikaela said.

I sighed and continued on my History homework. Unlike most students in my glass; I got my scrapping home-work done! Oh well there goes hanging around Ironhide far too long. He uses Cybertronian slang a lot more than Ratchet. In a good hour my homework was completed.I don't know why students prefer to stick away from me. Is it because I am not from this world? Is it because I am a freak?

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