Yay an adventure!

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..May 22nd, 2008...

...Thursday...5:30 AM...

"Ivy!" Megatron roars from the television set. We see a clutter of blankets shot up giving the shape of Ivy halfway up. "If you'll prefer your hearing  to be spared; get out of your berth!"

Ivy slips out of bed with her blankets in a big mess making her seem like a child pretending to be a ghost in order to scare her parents. Except Ivy had slipped off the queen sized bed.Ivy lands on her left side on the floor with a thump sound. This is not how Ivy woke up usually on school days by landing on the floor.

"I  wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy." Ivy starts singing standing upright. She throws the blankets on to the bed. "Boys break our phones, phones, phones!" Ivy  throws her hands into the air at once.  "Don't stop, make it pop,tonight I'mma fight till we see the sunlight!" She turns away from the bed waving her arms. "Wo-oh-oah!"

Megatron rubs his forehelm and Ivy puts her arms down.

"Ivy, you're making the song annoying!" Megatron said, as Ivy gets out school clothes from the white bookshelf drawer.

"Tik tok on the clock." Ivy sings, swaying from side to side, taking out a black belt from the drawer.  "Now the party doesn't start until I walk in!"

Ivy throws a big book over her shoulder flying towards Megatron's direction. Megatron's optics go wide so he reaches his arm out through the Sony type wide television screen and held out his gigantic servo right at the oncoming book. The book bounces off from Megatron's ghostly servo and then collided against the closet door landing quite open. Ivy takes out a blue shirt, light brown pants,socks, and other things needed from the dresser drawer.

"I will fight till we see the sunlight." Ivy continues to sing, turning away from the dresser drawer then uses her left foot to close it. "Wo-oh-oah!"

"Ivy, there is more songs you can sing." Megatron said.

"Such as?" Ivy asks, not turning around.

Megatron browses the channels in the television and the current box above the stack of channels showing an interview going on.Megatron had convinced Kelton long ago to be the one who wakes Ivy up and leave Kelton to waking up Christian. The current song going on involved lyrics 'Stop and stare, when you're here not there.' that sounded soothing and not very bothersome to on repeat from a child getting better at singing. Megatron gets out of the television set and went outside in his robot height. 

The green number on the microwave turns to 6:00 AM. Our view backs up over Christian's shoulder, then turn to the right backing up from Ivy and Christian to give a movie'ish full view of the two.Ivy is eating a bowl of cereal with a spoon and her bookbag on her back.Ivy is wearing the big pink and white big fluffy warmy coat in preparation for the cold'ish wait for the bus.Kelton had left five minutes ago for work under the assumption today will be the same; not much crazy action going around.

"Ready for the field trip to the science building, Sis?" Christian asks, putting a bowl into the dishwasher.

Ivy freezes holding the spoon inches away from her lips.

"Field trip?" Ivy asks, lowering the spoon.  Her eyebrows had shot up. "What field trip?"

"You told me you're going on a field trip that my class is going to." Christian said, walking around the breakfast table.

"I don't remember about no field trip." Ivy said.

"You remember the Beauty and the Beast field trip, right?" Christian asks.

"That was last week." Ivy said. "And those lights effects were doing a King Arthur's merged circle thing at the ceiling."

"And you didn't think much about the ring." Christian said, getting on his brown hoody that had a dragon design in the middle.

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