How to NOT be a coward

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"Ivy." Sydney said.  "Promise me something."

That was the most suddenest question in the history of questions, ever. Does Sydney believe she'll die in my arms?, I thought with much hurt lingering in my heart. A moment like that would tear me into pieces over and over again; I would never get over the death of my only friend. After moving from state to state in reality, not making long term friendships, stealing books from schools, and closing off can really do a number on a child.

"Enlighten me." I said.

The ancient robot squid alien guards were speaking with each other in Spanish. Sounded like these dimly lighted processor-ed alien afts had effectively stolen off Earth language and re-branded it as their own.I don't have a big fear of heights, but the only problem is; getting down.

"Promise you'll make it to my parents Christmas dinner this year." Sydney said. "If we survive the Mega Cruiser, that is."

"What if I dig a hole to San Diego?" I ask.

"Not going to happen." Sydney said.

"You don't have a magic ball." I reminded Sydney.

"You're not going to get into a black car that is capable of time traveling and go back to photobomb Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon in a photo." Sydney said. I raise my left eyebrow up and down three times earning a eye roll from my friend. "There is time travel rules for that."

I swear Sydney knows me too well.

"Rules?" I tilt my head. "What rules?"

"You know them." Sydney matter in factly reminds me.

"Lay them out, because I will break them and smash them into smiltherines!" I said, grinning from ear to ear. "If you would like to spare reality from my 'fun', Sydney." I made a short little laugh. "Then  never, ever tell me the rules!"

Sydney has this straight forward serious look. She is more blunt than I am, no seriously. Sydney would rather be honest when someone tries on a suit or a dress about how they look. That quality is part of what makes anyone take Sydney serious. They would never know she has a strange desire to meet humanoid beings hailing from another universe, galaxy, and planet.

"...Girly, this is serious." Sydney informs me.

"I live in a serious world that has comical consequences." I said.

The conversation that was being carried above us had stopped. It became apparent these strange alien guards had come to a agreement.It was only logical  since they were looking down towards us.They detached our shackles, and then, separated us. I don't know what they wanted to do with Sydney but maybe they didn't have a good idea what to do with her so they may have put her in the cell.

That is it. I am calling these guards by different names!

"We have decided to let you get what you came into the Great Soul eater's room for." Philly of Phi'Pick said.

Yes, Philly of Phi'Pick is the name I chose for one of the alien robot security guards.

"Okay, Mr Philly of phi'Pick." I said.

"Don't you dare call me that." Philly  of Phi'Pick scolds me.

"Mr Philly of Phi'Pick." I repeat.

"I hope the Great Soul Eater devours your soul." Philly of Phi'Pick said.

I frown while looking up to Philly of Phi'Pick's ugly robotic squid face. Does every high ranked individual aboard this version of the Mega Cruiser have relative ties to squids? I could have bit my lip hard looking up to his awfully carved face.

I am surrounded by alien robots!Where stories live. Discover now