Planning and preparing

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DiamondCreed and Midreaper have been plotting their revenge against Megatron while keeping a low profile. So low humans could not find the two on their own, same goes for the Autobots. Midreaper is in his vehicle mode watching Traff walk out of the building. Midreaper has his  holoform up that is of a man in his late forties,he has the tattoo of a skull on his forehead, he has curly blonde hair, and a nice attire on. The figure of Traff disappears into broad daylight within a stream of red light coming out of a rearview mirror.

"Excellent planning, Creed." Midreaper said, in comnlink with DiamondCreed. "You have superior acting advice."

"Killing the human was easy, but watching him living for one stellar cycle was a pain in the aft." DiamondCreed said.

"His name was Traff." Midreaper reminds DiamondCreed.

"Yeah,whatever." DiamondCreed said.  "Did you get to see the bones?"

"I got to see more than that," Midreaper said. "Much more."

"Where's the plan going off to now?" DiamondCreed asks.

"We're going to need an Ex-con." Midreaper said.

"Uh...who?" DiamondCreed asks.

"Tell me, are you familiar to the mech Wolfnight?" Mireaper asks.

"He...died." DiamondCreed said.

"No, he never did." Midreaper said. "He was already insane when I came into his dreams." He had a sad kind of sigh.  "Sadly I cannot take you to where he currently dwells this stellar cycle because of 'newfound' responsibility Traff has with these Dinosaur Cybertronians."

"Dinotronians?"  DiamondCreed asks.

"You may call them that," Midreaper said, as though it were a choice. "But the humans nickname them the Dinobots bedsides the leader; Grimlock." The rearview mirror aims towards the door. "You will have to meet up with the newbie Redsiren, even though he is an Autobot Redsiren owes me a favor."

"Remind me why we need a loose cannon." DiamondCreed asks.

"This year Ivy will be fourteen years old  on June 6th," Midreaper starts, taking note on Ivy's birthdate. "And will be visiting America in the summer."

"How do you know this?" DiamondCreed asks. 

"I have my sources,my dear." Midreaper said, affectionately.Midreaper isn't aware how romantic he is sounding towards DiamondCreed. Calling DiamondCreed 'my dear' became a bad habit that popped up randomly a couple cyberweeks ago. "To draw Megatron out we must hype the Dinosaur's discovery--take the Autobots attention off the media--then drawn in Ivy's attention.Getting revenge for Megatron's namesake will be the easiest task in all of creation and you, my dear, will be redeemed."

The plan sounds very promising.

"It all sounds good," DiamondCreed said.  "But how am I suppose to corner a Bot and make him tell me where WolfNight lurks?"

"There is a large forest in Pennsylvania and he goes there, alone, in the summer time." Midreaper said. "We should make June 6th Ivy's worst creation date--as she is a cyber-organic--that she will never forget. We have to make sure Optimus does not have his jet gear and Ratchet is no where close including Ironhide. Those two are the biggest problems to this plan."

"How?" DiamondCreed asks.

"You know how protective mechs get when they care about little girls dearly." Midreaper said.

"You don't." DiamondCreed said.

"I don't have a preference to befriend little girls." Midreaper said. "This solar cycle is June 1st,2011. We have five solar cycles to make this mission possible. Ivy is Megatron's weakness; now, knowing the Autobots...Sideswipe is probably being sent to make sure this month is not so problematic as it were last stellar cycle."

"We failed." DiamondCreed said, in disappointment.

"No, we had a team on it." Midreaper said. "We were on the sidelines,my dear Creed, learning what not to do."

"So..." DiamondCreed said. "That's why you told me not to go."

"Exactly." Midreaper said.

"I could kiss you on the lips, Mid!" DiamondCreed said.

"The codeword to getting Redsiren cooperative is my designation." Midreaper said. "I am not called Midreaper because I reap in the middle of the night." He taps his holographic fingers on the rolled down window. "These Dinosaur Cybertronians are an intricate part of our designed plan. Do not slip."

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