That Soundwave character.

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Alright, since people have not taken the liberty to experience a over-dramatic ruckus by a ghostly Decepticon that only few can see and many people can't; I will tell how my second hour went. Take in mind that Mrs SpringField is left up in the air about my own sanity because I have been acting strangely being linked to a alien robot. Second hour is before lunch. So, take note how Megatron's early dramatic leaves makes me react.

"Does anyone have a reasonable guess how the chicken landed on the other side of the road?" Mr Jones, my second hour teacher, asks as he paces back and forth in front of the chalkboard.

My second hour class is tired at this hour, and hungry.

"No one?" Mr Jones asks, coming to a halt at the desk.

Sometimes I wonder how Mr Jones is able to stand everything that Megatron does.

Megatron puts one of his large digits in Mr Jones's phone that is sticking out.

"Ring,ring, ring." A Christmas tone rings from the phone. "Ding, ding, ding, dong, dug, dug dug." Mr Jones flips the phone out. "I may be a little jerky and a little bit turkey--"

Mr Jones answers the phone as the class erupted into laughter, as did I.

"Hello?" Mr Jones asks.

A  smile that usually wouldn't be seen on Megatron's face grew right on.

"Who is this?" Mr Jones asks.  "Class, settle down." He lightly waves his hand in mid-air.  "This isn't a joke."

Mr Jones lowers the phone from his ear and presses some buttons on the row of tabs.Mr Jones puts the phone on the table. Mr Jones takes out a projector from the closet plugging it right into the wall.He puts a paper right below the light. The room is so dark enough that Megatron's optics glowing in crime stood out the most.There were some giggles escaping from many of my classmates.Megatron did not usually do this while leaving--Sometimes he leaves during second hour and mostly third hour--so this is something new.

"Now, do you see a problem with the chicken?" Mr Jones asks.

A student raised their hand.

"Yes Jasmine." Mr Jones said. "You see the problem."

"I  see a doug in your face, because I am a Turkey." Jasmine said, in a sing along tone. "You got the lyrics wrong, Mr Jones."

I fell backwards laughing as some students were cracking up.

"Silence!" Mr Jones said. "This is a ring tone,Jasmine. It is not meant to be correct."

Megatron scrolls through the phone sharing a quite ''human,watch what you're saying' kind of look towards Mr Jones.

"Sit up straight." Mr Jones said.  The class get back into their seats. "And tell me what is wrong with the chicken!"

"It is a drawing." Catherine said. That is Catherine Belt.The one and only despise-er.

I shot up my hand.

"Yes, Abbigal?" Mr Jones asks.

I lowered my hand.

"It is on a hooverboard,Mr Jones." I said, as several students shared wide eyed looks. "But it has chicken feet; so, the chicken is gonna crash."

"I am sorry, but that is not the correct answer." Mr Jones said. "But what I would want to know the correct answer to is that Harry Potter scar you have on your forehead."

"It is a dolphin marking." I said.  "Dolphin."

"Lightning bolt." Mr Jones said.

"Dolphin, Mr Jones." I said. "I see it every day in the mirror."

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