Hello dorito!

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A jet flew above the clearing and levitated there for quite a bit.

In a minute the jet transformed into a robot that fell down to the clearing.

Starscream lands in the clearing.His gigantic metal heels clicked against a large boulder which then was chipped in half.Dust was kicked up from the grassy area merely around the tall dorito shaped Decepticon.The dust,with a educated guess, settled on Starscream's leg armor.There were clicks, clangs, and metal sounds coming from his armor sliding into place.

"Ah." Starscream said, observing the bind around Barricade. Starscream puts his arms behind his triangle shaped back like a  detective observing a new spectacle."Which Autobot did this to you?"

Barricade grunts.

"Not an Autobot." Barricade said, as Starscream walks briefly to the left apparentlyy observing his binds. "It was a human."

A side note, it's pretty much nine forty-five PM at night. And yes I have brushed my teeth before going off to do what a girls gotta do to get her prized possession back.The only thing in this world that makes everything seem sane is by fixing the bucket of storytelling.I am hiding in a wooden shack across from Barricade. I can see through the wooden covered window thanks to a knothole.

Starscream raises his helmet up with a curious lighting in his optic and his head was slightly tilted.

"A human?" Starscream said, with a scoffle.

"Yes." Barricade said. "A ten year old human."

I pressed a red button. Boom-booom went the large ditch that went off around Starscream.I quickly ran out the building with my bag in tow. Starscream shot at the shack. Of course that blew up and sent lots of wood all over the place.Metal most likely was thrown around the explosion site.The intense heat from the explosion actually sent a good breeze through my long hair.

"Hello death!" I shout,waving my free hand in the air. "It's been one wacky year for me." I had this wide mischievous grin. "What about your year so far? Does this happen to top off everything?" I wink at the dorito who is staggering back. "IIf so, I am proud to be the damper!"

Starscream stumbles back with huge optics.

"B-b--but I killed you!" Starscream acknowledges.  "I saw them bury you."

"I told you it was a human." Barricade complains.

"I was buried alive." I said, taking out zhe handle from my pocket.  "And you will fix zhe bucket, then you shall give it back and then we part ways."

The gigantic doritio robot takes a step back, perhaps scared and intimidated by a ten year old outcast. I don't know if intimidating gigantic robots is a achievement but if it is then I should get an award for it. If only the gigantic dorito was painted red, including those strange markings be inked in black so he'll look like a dorito robot basketball.Oh boy if he did repaint himself then Mrs Sandler would probably be the first one to take a picture discreetly.

"Not before I kill you." Starscream said, raising his long pencil shaped weapons.  "Again!"

I take out a small grenade from my pocket.

"Okay dorito." I said.  Goody, I've come up with a new name instead of triangle. Triangle seems so old school. "You must wanna die really bad."

The gigantic dorito shot at me, so I dodged and threw the un-attached grenade at him. The gigantic dorito fell straight on his butt with a klang. I take out these spider drones built to be small and unsuspecting from my bag.I press the top green button that activates their 'spider-web-sticky' mode. This is when a moving robot becomes immobolized by a child's invention. So basically a hundred small robots surrounded a gigantic dorito robot and made him fall backwards.

I am surrounded by alien robots!Where stories live. Discover now