A Christmas wish

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  .  . . December 25th.  . .

.  . . 2008  . . .

"A Clue Finder!" I squeal jumping on to a big box that had a metal detector in it. My arms were wrapped around it and my energy levels were increasingly high. "Oh em gee!" I was so excited; so excited that the box isn't completely unwrapped.  "Thank you Mr Sandler!"

Mr Sandler is drinking some coffee from the table.

"No."Mr Sandler said. "Thank Santa Clause."

"Santa Clause is not real." I said, looking over my shoulder and my hands stuck around the box.I could easily see Mrs Sandler and Mr Sandler were puzzled that I knew it already. "What?" They were sharing really odd looks. "I've watched the movie involving Tim Allen so many times I've accepted Santa Clause isn't real, but I believe magic is real!"

"Abbigale, you're too young to act that mature."  Mr Sandler tells me.

"You're too old to be screaming like a girl when watching ET die in the movie." I reply with a goofy grin and a feeling that I was.  . .Oops!

"I was bitten by a spider." Mr Sandler used a pretty bad excuse. A man wouldn't scream like a girl because a spider bit him every time ET died in 'ET Phone Home'. Mr Sandler seems to be believing that lousy excuse.  "Spiders are infected with germs and bacteria and other deadly diseases."

"No, that's rats." I said. "The plague came from the rat and spiders give you super powerrss!"

"Abbigale, that spider was radioactive." Mrs Sandler said. "Normal Spiders don't give you superpowers, in fact, they can be quite deadly."

"Abbigale, go change your pants!"  Mr Sandler orders me. "And throw them into the laundry basket."

Later that day I took my new electronical searching metal detector and went searching around the snowless patches area of the backyard for stuff. I had a shovel in my left hand for 'just in case' while swinging the metal detector back and forth; making it sway in motion. There came a beep from the metal detector which made stop the swaying. Goody!, my heart raced, new valuable items! The metal detector  determined the item is two feet down into the ground.

"Searching time!" I said,dropping the metal detector.

I use the shovel then dug and dug; probably going way past the two feet marker.

"Is this human attemptin' to dig her way to china?" I heard Crosshairs.

I look up from the dirt and saw the green alien robot that apparently looks like he is wearing a trench coat.

"You remind me of Dick Tracy wearing a green coat!" I shout.  "And no I'm looking for a clue."

Crosshairs bends over into the dirt pile and takes out a piece of jewelry.

"So you were searching for this?" Crosshairs asks.

I could see it was dark out behind Crosshairs.

"...Yess." I said, feeling like a complete idiot. "Throw it to me!" I wave my hands.  "I shall catch it!" I jump up and down. "Throw it like it's infected with Logocrimoloas!"

Crosshairs drops the jewellery quicker then a average person could say 'Pokemon'. I just made up that random disease on the spot; shouldn't that mean something wrong? I caught the jewellery in my hands then look down to it, only to realize it was only a golden necklace. Oh wait a golden necklace is in my slagging hand! Oh my--we can get rich from this!

"Quick, use the metal Detector!" I shout to Crosshairs."And see if there's any beeps right beside this hole!"

Crosshairs picks up the small device.

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