To be the cause of another devastation

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...1:20 PM...

To be the cause of another devastation is not on my list to do's. Not to be the main center of my attention is my goal after all who wants to be in a unwanted war between two giant killing alien robot machine races? Last year there was a couple Decepticons coming after me to avenge The Fallen's death. Sideswipe slayed them, in part with some help from Bumblebee, while I had been enjoying my summer vacation in America!

"Earth to Ivy,Earth to Ivy, Earth to Ivy," Sideswipe said. "Do you copy?"

"Me is here," I said, shaking my head.

Sideswipe is driving me somewhere for my birthday. Sideswipe had told me it would be something I really,really, really love to learn more about. Something that is so fascinating it could take up my attention for an entire solar cycle off the various stories developing in my mind.

"Obsessing over the Lion King?" Sideswipe asks.

I have a little smile.

"Not anymore," I said. "My brother made me promise him to see a movie this year and I saw it."

"Ivy,I am not aware of your deceased sibling." Sideswipe said as he passed a herd of cows. I roll an eye thinking back how Ironhide mentioned Sideswipe had been passing time in New Mexico for the past two years. "My question about your new 'obession' still stands."

Cows were mooing quite loudly as though they were posing a 'moo' contest.

"Well, it's a Marvel movie." I explain. "The end credit scene blew me away while going down the stairs not at all in the slightest interested in seeing another one related to Thor." I wave my hands up and down similar to a balance thing on the golden symbol behind the Judge at a trial. "Now, because of that end-scene; I look forward to the next movie!"

"I do not watch 'chick flicks' humans produce." Sideswipe said.

I sigh lightly shaking my head mildly laughing.

"It is not a chick flick," I said, shaking my hands. "Not at all."

"Then what is it?" Sideswipe asks.

"Siblings," I said. "And secrets."

"...An entire film about siblings and secrets sounds repetitive." Sideswipe said.

"Well, its kind of like Megs and Optimus's relationship except the other guy is adopted and isn't the leader of some faction being tall as you." I explain. "I think he's part frost giant and part Asgardian. His mother must have died during the attack on Jotunheim since she was part of the attack on Earth. His mother must have been an Asgardian capable of making such a protection field for her own body so she can have physical contact with Laufey!"

"You must have done a lot of research after one viewing." Sideswipe said.

"Course I did!" I said. "I have to be familiar in what I am writing about."

Of course; I must sound mad to Sideswipe.

"You're writing a story based on Thor?" Sideswipe asks.

"Maybe I am, maybe I am not." I said.

"Hypothetically speaking; if you're making one, how many chapters were there currently be?" Sideswipe asks.

"Eighteen," I said. "Fun eighteen entertaining chapters." I tap my fingers together ever so shyly. "And may have not hit nine thousand reads a couple hours ago."

"Nine thousand reads." Sideswipe said.

"Yep!" I said with a nod.

"Nine thousand humans read, hypothetically, your eighteen long first Thor story." Sideswipe said, sounding hard to believe. "All in the time of a earth month."

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