Soundwave goes on and on

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"Ivy!" Sydney yelled.

Steelix was pulling back his arm to prepare for a harder punch.Some of the skin to my face is missing showing easy metal parts to my skull.There is shattered pieces of mirror to the side so that is how I know about the gray metal parts of my skull being revealed.These exposed metal parts are a result of  my face sliding down the floor under tremendous velocity forcefully after a little explosion in the space 'float' room.

I felt a heavy metal slam to the face.

Goody, cheek bruise is gonna appear.My face goes over to the side to see the shattered open rows of glass displaying my magnificent and out of the box creations.My vision is blurry for awhile though I am able to turn my head towards SteelLix seeing a part of the ceiling had fallen--with a loud crash--that landed in my right hand.He seemed to pay no attention to what is going on around him.

"Time to meet your creator." SteelLix said as I get a metal square block to defend myself.

I narrowed my eyes towards SteelLix.

"You have already met your creator." I said.

The irony here is that SteelLix has already met his creator. Oh wait, is that Irony? I am not sure.

"Turn him off!" Megatron demanded.

The direness in the room became deadly. Quite deadly. I feel scared for my life and for Sydney's life. Sydney's being blocked by a row of metal cage like bars in the way of the door.Instead of a punch by SteelLix it was quite the opposite what I had expected.SteelLix's large claw made a stinging mark on my forehead. I screamed in pain, my eyes wincing, and I felt around for that remote I had been walking around. The remote to the entire manual part of the Lab. The part that did not rely on the newness of technology. Megatron is panicking as he could feel the pain coming from my stomach.

"I am trying." I said.

"Try harder." Megatron said, not patient with me.

"Trying to save your companion." SteelLix said.  "How sweet."

"Uh oh." Sydney said. "You just picked the wrong word."

"Obviously." Megatron said.

"She's not my companion." I said, with a growl.  "THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND." I slammed the metal into Steelix's face smacking him so hard that he tumbled down to the side. "You, here, are not going to take one step outta this lab." I wrapped my hand up in some random rags like a boxer getting ready for a match. "You are going to stay."

SteelLix wipes off some oil from the side to his mouth.There were some drip drops of oil dripping out the side of his metal cheeks or more so the corner of his jaw. SteelLix had recently got his armor brandished; clean, that's what the word means or at least I think.His cables,circuits, and wires are protected by an extra layer of armor. He has three layers; the mould, the  skin type of metal, and then the protective armor.

"Brandished means threatening, in anger, and excite;child." Megatron said.

"Good to know." I said, getting up.

"The girl who speaks to thin air." SteelLix said. "Not the slightest of all intimidating."

I caught a band aid that fell from the ceiling covered in its usual wrapping then peeled off the wrapper and put the large circular band-aid on my forehead.The stinging pain became tolerable. Very tolerable in fact.

"Go Ivy!" Sydney cheers.

"You threaten my loved ones." I said. 

"There is nothing of importance to loved ones in my dictionary." SteelLix remarks in a threatening voice.

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