But for how long?

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Megatron could hear Ivy's utter perplexed state of mind. It was morning when the girl had waken up--on the couch, that is--after what had been countless hours.The moment Ivy woke up;  there was fear, confusion, uncertainty, and sadness. More of the reason was this sad stricken thought from Ivy; I don't have my best friend. Megatron could hear Ivy  worried thoughts about Sydney. Ivy's thoughts were more worried than being over-excited as she physically seems.

"If you keep worrying about your little friend, you will drive me insane." Megatron said, folding his arms.

Ivy eyes at the gigantic tall Decepticon leader from the  center table.

"I am a worry wart." Ivy said, as though Megatron should have been told. "Didn't I tell you?"

Megatron had to hesitate, and actually think if she had told him. A wide smile grew across Ivy's face as as she folds her arms and leans back into the chair.  Megatron saw the scene of two house thieves being hit by paint buckets from the top of a staircase. Is this image suppose to mean something?, Megatron thought glancing to Ivy who was swinging her feet up and down. Ivy laughs at Megatron's puzzled reaction.

"One of these days you will discover the formula to win a conversation against me." Ivy said.

"I can win in a conversation against you." Megatron said.

"Explain to me why a portal brought me home but two YEARS later." Ivy said. "I have all the time in the world."

Megatron pauses, again, but he was frowning.

"Starscream is the one who majors in Science." Megatron said.  "I major in resurrecting Cybertron and building an empire far greater than the golden ages." He held up his right servo that closed into a fist. "A new age will fall over the Autobots. They will be hunted down as they did to my army on Earth."

"Boorring." Ivy said, shaking her head.

Megatron stares at her.

"How can my plans be boring?" Megatron asks.

Ivy smiles.

"A couple reasons." Ivy said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Tell me what it lacks." Megatron orders Ivy. "Now."

"It lacks flavor, flaws, juicy details, a good plot,  some comic relief, and some action." Ivy lists as she unfolds her  arms then puts her hands on the table. "Your plan sounds boring as a hollow tree set near The Addam's family house."

Megatron tilts his helmet.

"The Addams family?" Megatron repeats, confused.

Ivy's glare is more intimidating and sharp than a average child.

"That is it!" Ivy threw her hands into the air. "All your plans are awful!"

"Just because I have never met the Addam's family does NOT mean my plans are awful." Megatron said.

Ivy raises her eyebrow suggestively at Megatron.Her eyebrows change from intimidating to a calm and comically eased expression.

"So you're saying the Addams family is real." Ivy said, as her face is getting red and redder.

Kelton stood there in the living room watching Ivy argue with thin air.

"You act like they are REAL!"Megatron bellowed the word 'real' in his reply. "I will use the Autobots squishy-fleshy friends to betray them and hand over their hiding place; I will kill each and every one of their human comrades with a vaporizer, then use a human machine to make them into roast beef, put apples on them, and EAT their curly noodle remains."

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