
1.3K 62 5

.  . . 3:15 PM.  . .

 .  . . School.  . . .

  "So where's our little troublemaker?" Mrs.SpringField, my AP teacher--Academic Period--,asks as she looks around the room.

The students in her class were puzzled, obviously. I swear they are meerkats when this question 'where is so and so' is asked by the teachers.It's been a day since I had found Barricade. Don't worry; he's perfectly chained in the garage in his vehicle mode. Which garage am I talking about? Mesah is talking about the Sandler Family Garage. The couple who took me in is literately named The Sandler family because of their last names.

"Who?" Catherine, yes that girl from yesterday is in my Academic Period, asks.

Mrs.Springfield looks away from her computer.

"The one who put bubble gum on your seat."  Mrs.Springfield said. Catherine is now, by this point, shaking with fury.  "Since when have my students stopped playing common sense to these pranks? There's only one girl who gets sent to the office every  Friday for her pranks, and that is Abbigale."

And this is where I walk into the room and then closed the door behind me.

"I had a chat with the principal." I said, with a head sulk.

"Can you attempt not pranking the teachers?" Mrs. Springfield asks.

"That wasn't why I went to the office." I said, heading over to my desk making sure not to look at Catherine's direction. I had my backpack hanging off my left shoulder.  "Homework stuff."

"Hah!" Catherine said. "I knew you were a trouble maker."

"No you didn't." I argue. "You know I can catch flies and then let them out. I am the fly whisper who you consider weird, but do you ever consider why this room is flyless?" I point to the unoccupied windows. "No, of course you haven't! I caught every, single, fragging little dude each assigned with a death threat with my bare fragging hands."

"You can't assign death threats to insects." Mrs.Springfield points out.

"When you are mesah then you can." I replied.

__                            __

 .  .  .After school  . .  . 

.  .  . 3:33 PM.  .  .

"Can I come over to the garage?" Sydney asks.

"No way." I said. "You don't have a connection to robots through what mesah has." I tap on my chest lightly. "For all I know you can die from the radiation that usually comes from the Autobots. Well most of the people around the Autobots act strangely like they don't get effected."

"So, that's a yes." Sydney said.

"Nah uh." I said, folding my arms while walking down the street. "It's a no."

"Pleaaase?" Sydney pleads.  "I would like to see the bad cop robot."

I groaned, and lifted my head upwards towards the sky.

"You won't learn bad cop, good cop from him." I said, lowering my head down.

"But I get to see his big sharp claws." Sydney argues.  "I can surely use this knowledge to--"

"Sydney, you have parents and siblings who care about you." I said.  "Mesah, on the other hand, does not. I would prefer someone who has a bright future ahead of them not to be killed because of me."

"I won't die." Sydney said.

I stop in my tracks. Then turn my head towards Sydney.

"How can you be so sure?" I ask while cars were honking.

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