All sorts of stuff

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Christian lowers himself down to Ivy's level.

"Please, Ivy." Christian said.  "Remember your promise to watch Thor. Keep your promise to live long enough to see it."

Christian could only hope Ivy would remember hearing him in this condition.

Our view goes through Ivy's mind.

"Thor." Christian's voice echoed in her mind that resembled much of a universe. "You promised to live."

Our view spins around and around seeing various images appearing. The spinning comes to a stop but still our view goes through purple unique clouds showing their marvelous highlights. A bright blue light emits in the distance sending a lighter blue tint through the scenery.

"To see Thor." Christian's words echo.

The outerspace scene changes to a kitchen with Ivy sitting on a chair leaned forward squinting her eyes at the device Christian is holding in his other hand.This is the moment where Christian showed Ivy the end credit scene to Iron Man 2.It seems to be the movie kind where a person can sit back in the chair eating popcorn drawn into the scene unfolding before their eyes.

Ivy looks skeptical.

"...A hammer?" Ivy asks.

"Yes." Christian said, with a nod.

Ivy sighs shaking her head.

"Lame." Ivy said. Christian's face turned red. "What's that 9 symbol on the side?" She points to the screen. "Is there eight hammers?"

"No," Christian said, as she takes her hand back. "That is the Mjolnir."

"My journey her?" Ivy repeats, blinking. Ivy raises up her left dark thick eyebrow up.

"Mjolnir." Christian repeats.

"Isn't hammer a pretty good name?" Ivy asks, lowering her eyebrow.

"No, that's the name of the hammer." Christian said. "It belongs to Thor."

"Okaaaay." Ivy said.

Our scene fast forwards.

"If I go and watch X-Men 2, without you, will you stay alive long enough to see it?" Christian asks.

Our scene somehow goes past even more dialogue. The scene comes to a pause, in present time, matter of speaking. There is a gleeful look on Ivy's face being willing and outright confident. Ivy reached her hand out to Christian over the bowl of cereal.

"Deal!" Ivy said.

Ivy and Christian shook hands.Then the blue light expanded turning the purple clouds into a soft tint of blue that became highlighted similar to water slipping through the cracks in a worn out stone.

Our view transforms into the Florida road complete by some terrible road bumps, sink holes in some parks, and unusual tree's bent forward.Our perspective backs away from the dark green grill part belonging to a car. This is where we see a sleek red and golden roofless mustang being the Decepticon KillerRod--followed by some other cons--headed straight the Sandler's current street.

The green grill belongs to KillerRod.

"Is this really the designated Street, Pine?" KillerRod asks through Comnlink.

KillerRod is referring to an unusual Decepticon known as Porcupine.

Porcupine has the vehicle mode of a 'driving wheel Star-Wars vehicle' and a animal mode of a porcupine; hence his name. Porcupine is tagging behind KillerRod at a slow speed limit.Sharp parts stuck out to the sides of Porcupine's vehicle mode giving a very great similarities of a sharp thorn row built alongside the rims.

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