Chapter 16 Callin' It Quits

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(The next day)

Jeremy's POV

I turned my car off when found a parking spot. Today, I was going to confront Mr. Freddy. That man never told me I could DIE while doing this job!

Now I know why he wanted someone to watch those monsters. If Mr. Freddy continues to let these demonic things roam, they will kill someone. But, I refuse to let that person be me.

My life isn't worth any amount of money, and I'm going to let Mr. Freddy know that. You know what, forget everything I said about that puppet, he IS a demon. The scar he gave me is from my wrist to my shoulder! It's so bad that I'll have to get stitches.

I entered the pizzeria that was full of happy children, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be so happy if they knew what those animatronics did. I scanned the room to find where the hallway was that leads to Mr. Freddy's office. I spotted the way and walked casually to him. I didn't want people to think I was a crazy loon by storming into a kids' restaurant full of rage, even though I was.

I stood there, face to face with the door. Anger filled me and I slammed my fist against it. "Mr. Freddy! We need to talk!" I shouted, not caring who heard me.

"Uh, yes, come in" Mr. Freddy said stuttering.

I grabbed the door handle and yanked the door open. Mr. Freddy turned his head to me and gave a friendly smile (that irritated me the most).

"Good morning Jeremy, I hope you'll say the night went well" he said happily as he picked up a sheet of paper.

"Well? More like hell! It was the most horrifying night of my life!" I shouted. Once I said that, Mr. Freddy's smile vanished. His head shot up and he starred at me.

"W-what, what do you mea-"

"Those things are killing machines!" I yelled without caring I interrupted him
"They wandered around all night trying to get into my office and you never mentioned anything about those rusted piles of junk sitting in the spare parts room being able to walk around too!"

Mr. Freddy went silent, like he was hiding something. He was very suspicious acting if you ask me. "I truly don't know what you're talking about Jeremy. Those things wouldn't even hurt a fly"

"Wouldn't hurt a fly! You said it yourself how they were causing trouble and how that puppet was injuring people. So don't give me any of that when it was YOU that said those words in the first place!"

How dare that man try to lie to me, even when he said it himself! He's only trying to make himself not look bad I front of his employees! Well buster, that doesn't work for me!

"And you know what? That puppet is as dangerous as you said! I even have proof!". I slipped up my sleeve on my shirt, revealing my scar that was created by that puppet. Mr. Freddy's eyes grew wide and he starred at it in horror.

"That thing even said that he and the others plan to KILL me if I come back tonight! He said something about how they don't appreciate being treated as entertainment slaves! Apparently they don't like people watching them! I didn't even know what they were talking about! My job was to make sure the place didn't get robbed, not watching robots and seeing if they could kill me!"

"I'm so sorry Mr. Fitzgerald, I don't know what's getting into these guys"

"Well you better figure it out! And in the meantime, fine somebody else who wants to risk their life to get some extra cash because I QUIT" I yelled and slammed my night guard uniform on the table along with my night guard hat. Then, I marched out of that room without saying a word to that man. Never again, will this place see my face.

Mr. Freddy's POV

I can't believe it, I just can't believe it. Those animatronics are killers, and there's nothing I can do about them. I just can't decide to get rid of them one day, people will start getting curious about why I did get rid of them. They work fine so that can be an excuse!

I put my hand on my forehead and put my elbow on my desk. Everything was so confusing! I'm gonna have to hire someone else! I can't risk these things on their own! What if they manage to break out of the pizzeria?

"What am I gonna do now?" I asked myself. If Jeremy tells people about this, I'm done for... I could even go to jail if I let these things continue to do this, but if I get rid of them, everyone e will know something's up! I can always hire a new guard, but they have nothing to protect themselves with. They all have access to criminal databases and facial recogni-

Wait. If they have facial recognition, that means they can analyze anyone. But if that person's face is covered...

They won't be able to know it's a real person. Then, no one would get hurt and someone could keep an eye on them. But, what can they use to cover there face?

I think I had just had the best idea ever. A Freddy Fazbear mask. If a guard wears that, the animatronics won't see their face and think they're just another bot. It's genius! Although, I'd have to tell them to put the mask on when they see one of the animatronics.

Maybe everything will work out okay!


A/N: Ok, yes I know this chapter isn't very long. I know. But, I wanted to put this chapter out now because chapter 17 is going to be a LONG chapter. You'll find out why once I publish it. Trust me, it'll make the story go to a point where I want it to be. Sorry if that doesn't make since. XD. Anyways, time to tell a funny story that happened to me today. Ok, so I had finished my cell project that I was doing for science. I put my cell down on the FLOOR (oh ya you know where this story is going). Then my friend, Bella, came over to my locker and started talking to me. I was t paying attention, and hit my project, making the cell come off of it's base and roll on the floor. I had to chase after it and try to glue it back on, as my friends laughed at me while doing it. APPRECIATE THE HELP GUYS! REALLY DO!

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