Chapter 32 A Kiss

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Toy Bonnie's POV

Toy Freddy, Toy Chica, and I had finished our song to the little ones. I watched the two get off the stage. As they did, Toy Freddy gave me a look of disgust, then walked over to a group of children. I rolled my eyes. If this is the way he wants to act when this place is full of children and their families, so be it. He's just mad that we over powered him, jealous as well.

I continued to stay on the stage and not make any eye contact with a single person. Yet, I wonder how Marionette's doing. I got turned off for some of the battle, but I remembered seeing one thing before I did get turned off, Toy Freddy cutting him with a knife.

It's disturbing that he did all of that but is kind towards the children. As if he hides his identity well. And to top it all off, I'm stuck on stage singing with him. Toy Freddy was once my my enemy...which I find strange 'cause I like everyone! (Bonnie being an exception).

I'd just like to spend some time by myself without those two with me...

My head turned to the hall that lead to Prize Corner. Marionette never comes out in the day so the kids don't go there. Maybe, I can stop by for a visit and see how he's doing. Of course I won't be long since I'll have to get back to the stage in half an hour.

I slipped off the stage and ducked down at the left side of it, hopping everyone would think I'm in the game room or something. Then I snuck my way into the abandoned hall ninja style. Hey! Give me a black belt because I think I can be good at this karate stuff.

I put my hands in a chopping a plank of wood position as I walked down the hall and chuckled to myself. While walking down the dusty hallway I saw a web at the corner of the door way. I thought it was your average cobweb so I put my hand up and brushed it away.

"Begone" I said to the web as if it could respond. Little did I know it wasn't a was a spider web.

A black, eight legged spider sat on my mechanical finger, looking at me with all of its eyes. "HOLY CRAP GET OFF!" I shouted and shook my hand violently.

The spider stayed there like glue so I ran into Prize Corner, hitting Marionette's box in the process. I bounced off the box and hit the floor then checked my hand to see if the monster was gone, which it was.

I smiled to myself and lifted myself off the floor like nothing happened. Hopefully no one heard me shout, I have to admit, it was a bit of an overreaction but those things creep me out! Anyone else afraid of 'em?

Alright, where was I? Oh yeah, I wanted to talk to Marionette! I walked over to his box, surprised that he didn't come out when I hit it. I shrugged and knocked on it calmly. "Hey Marionette, you alright?" I asked and stood there waiting for an answer. Nothing.

I cocked my head and knocked on the box again. "You know it's Toy Bonnie right? Don't worry, Toy Freddy isn't here." Still nothing.

I began whistling and looked around the room. Ripped drawings still lay on the floor with the faded color and scratches designed the wall. Even prize counter displayed claw markings. Obviously, clawing at things made Marionette feel more relaxed, his music being another thing that keeps him calm.

Instead of knocking on the box again, I flipped open the lid, preparing to see Marionette...except...he wasn't there.

"He's gone" Toy Freddy said from behind me, making me nervous and a tad bit scared. I turned around and starred at him. He stood in the door way and held a microphone.

"What do you mean he's gone?" I asked and walked forward towards him a little.

"Come on rabbit! I know you're made of metal but use common sense! He isn't he's gone. He left...probably with her..."

I walked past Toy Freddy and smiled to myself. "Good. Because if he was here, you would be turned into scraps."

I know Toy Freddy's afraid of Marionette. He just won't admit it. As I walked down the hall, Toy Freddy raced up to me and smirked. "Oh, and by the way, your little friend's back."

He held out his hand, the small spider from before resting in it like a bird in a nest.

"GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted and ran to the stage. In the distance, I heard Toy Freddy laugh, pleased that he has terrified me.

Well played Toy Freddy...

Well played.

Madeline's POV

I sat on my bed, listening to the conversation Skylar and Marionette were having. They've been getting along pretty well so far and that's how I like it. I like everything to have tranquility and not be a bloody war.

So far, we've just talked about stuff that goes on in our everyday life, well me and Skylar have. Marionette just kinda follows along and states his opinion. Which is better than telling Sky how he brutally murders people.

I'm surprised Skylar is actually being friendly to him. Sometimes she can say offensive things to people but it's not mainly her fault. You know people, always having to display rude comments for no apparent reason.

Skylar stared at Marionette with an astonished look on her face. Great. What did he say to her?

"So. Toy Freddy cut you...with a knife?" She asked with a pause. Why did Marionette bring that up? And, why was it Marionette and not Skylar?

"He did, but luckily Madeline came at the right time and cracked the bear with a hammer. Afterwards she brought me here and stitched my arms." He explained. Skylar let out a small "oh" and nodded. She then turned to me and raised an eyebrow. I followed her eyes and noticed she wast looking directly at my bandage wrapped firmly on my arm.

"How'd you get that Maddie? What? Hit yourself with a hammer?" She asked and started laughing at her own joke. Only thing was, I wasn't laughing and neither was Marionette. Sky stopped laughing when she noticed the two of us staying quiet. Marionette clasped his hands together and looked at the floor, expressing guilt.

"That is what happened...right?" She asked me concerned. I shrugged my shoulders and didn't make eye contact with her. What will she say when she knows Marionette did it?

"Well...not exactly" Marionette said, mumbling when he said exactly.

"What do you mean?"

Marionette stayed quiet and gave a nervous smile. Skylar looked at him dumbfounded, then her jaw dropped and she gasped. "Don't tell me you..."
She began then leaped forward and grabbed Marionette's hand.

"What's this?" She asked and examined the bit of red on his hand. He didn't say anything. Like he was to ashamed to answer her question. I knew I had to do something before she found out.

"Skylar come on that's enough let it go!" I said sternly and shot her a look. She gave me the same look and smirked. "He did that didn't he?" She asked. My eyes widened and I felt my heart starting to pound. My palms also started to go sweaty.

"Answer me Madeline" she said strictly. Marionette looked up at her then yanked her arm, taking her by surprised.

"I did. Want me to do the same with you?" He asked and put up his sharp claws. I jumped off the bed and grabbed Marionette's other arm then pulled him back. "Marionette that's enough! You to Skylar!" I shouted.

The black haired girl scoffed and walked to the door. She put her hands into her pockets then looked at Marionette, then up to me.

"Alright, I'm headin' out. Have fun with your monster of a friend."

After she left I looked at Marionette. He looked at me. He stayed silent and got lost into my eyes...and I got lost into his. I was still holding his arm so we were right by each other. He took his hand back and placed it on my shoulder, still looking me in the eyes.

"Forgive me." He said quietly. I didn't know what he meant by that. Did he want me to forgive him for almost hurting Skylar?

"Forgive you for what?"


He drew me in closer and my lips touched his masked mouth. I felt a million butterflies go crazy in my stomach. Marionette shut his eyes but mine were wide open. I can't believe this...he's kissing me...

But I kinda like it.

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