Chapter 21 Madeline The Daredevil

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Marionette's POV

This, this, this is a dream. It has to be a dream! Madeline is supposed to be dead! Now, tonight I tackle the poor girl and then not even try to say anything to her! What kind of idiot am I?

I know it's Madeline, when I was starring at those green eyes, I knew it was her. No one can tell me otherwise.

But, why does she have to be a guard who I have to brutally murder? The others won't believe me when I say it's her. Toy Freddy will just think I'm crazy! Plus, I promised him she would be dead the next night! How can I kill the person who I adore? Who I love? And especially someone I haven't seen in so long.

Maybe, if Maddie forgets to wind my music box, I just won't come out. Then if Toy Freddy asks why I couldn't kill her, I'll just say the lid to my box was stuck. I'm sure she'll live, she seems to know what she's doing unlike some of the past guards.

How I would love to talk to her, but if it meant she had to die. I'd rather her heart be broken then for her to be dead.

Madeline's POV

They're killers...

The animatronics I've known since I was little, want to kill me! I knew they would be angry that I left them for so long. But not that angry that they want to end my life!

And Mr. Freddy, he never told me what happens at night. When he said I had to look over the place I thought it meant to watch for teens who would want to break in, not robots who act like demons!

Another thing, what's with those old animatronics? Do they have something to do with the older restaurant phone guy was talking about?

Whatever, that's not important right now. My main goal is to stay alive and not tell anyone about anything.

If I could, I would got to Prize Corner and try to talk with Marionette. But I don't want to get killed. He has already tackled me once, he may do it again. Only this time, give me a good claw to the face.

Tonight, if Marionette does come back. I am going to talk to him, no tears, no arguments, no killing. And if all fails, I'll come to him. I know that I could be risking my life for what I'm gonna do tonight. But to prove I still care about him, I'll leave my office right when that clock hits 12.

(11:50 pm, in the office, ps. Prepare for one epic night)

I sat in my chair with my backpack beside me. Even though I now know this job isn't the best place to study. I just brought it for no reason what so ever. My science text book was by the tablet I use to check the cameras. I have no idea why I had that out either.

I was still thinking if I really should leave my office when it hits 12. I mean, the animatronics do seem like they want to kill me. They'll probably do anything to have me dead. Maybe it's best if I stay here.

Wait, no. No Madeline, you are going to confront Marionette without any sign of fear. Just walk down there like you're the boss of this place, and everything will run smoothly. Maybe. Possibly not.

The chime played, making me click on the tablet and focus on the show stage. I'm not letting these babies out of my sight this time. I was too nice and let them had their privacy, now, in watching them like a hawk.

The phone rang and did the same beeping sound as it did yesterday, but I stayed there watching the three on stage.

"Ah...hello, hello! Uh, see, I told you you would get the hang of it! You're a natural!"

"Thanks! Almost got my face ripped apart by Marionette, but thanks!" I said sarcastically, still watching the three on the stage. They still haven't moved.

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