Chapter 2 A night not alone

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It was night time. I could see the dark sky through a window that was in the gift room. Bright stars were lightening up the dark, along with the full moon that was out. They were both just.... stunning. The sound of metal broke my thought. Since it was night time the guys in the spare parts room could come out and roam. To be honest, they did get along with the toys. Well everyone, except Bonnie and Toy Bonnie. You see, when they were making Toy Bonnie they ran out of metal for the rest of him. So they used Bonnie for metal.

" WELL! It's not my fault they ran out metal for me!" Toy Bonnie would say to Bonnie

" Y- Y- Y- You should have ne- never bee- been made! My f- face is go- gone!" He would say as a comeback.

I mean besides those two we are all friends! All of the animatronics came to the gift room, except Balloon Boy. He must be playing with the carousel in the Game Area.

"Hey Marionette! What's up?" Toy Bonnie asked me. It is really great that the others come here every night so we can talk. I mean we have facial recognition and we have access to criminal databases so it's not like someone needs to watch us.

A/N: There isn't a night gaurd. yet, I may add one or I may not. All for me to decide!

"Nothing really, just wanting for the sun to rise so the children can come" I said with a sad sigh "It's not like I can roam around". I mean Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy can't really roam either. Well there not supposed to, not in the day anway but at night the can. But with me it's different, I can't roam at all!

"Is there any chance of me being able to walk around?" I asked them, hoping to get a good answer from one of them. Toy Chica shook her head, making her beak drop to the floor.

"I keep telling them they need to fix my loose beak, even the staff does, but the mechanics all ways say they're to busy to do so" she said seeming very ticked off. Then she started to calm down. " but to answer your question Marionette, I don't think so. You tried before, remember? Your box fell over making your music not being able to play and plus you had rip in your arm that needed stitching so you were put out of order for the rest of the day".

I do remember that day. I wasn't able to talk to the kids and they never heard my music that day. They did fix me up quickly though, so I could start performing again the next day. When I did the children were happy to see me again.

I heard something on the walls. When I looked up, I saw Mangle. She did have it pretty rough. The younder children just couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Staff members had to fix her every day. It had gotten so bad that the children brok the left side of her head, making her endo neck split into two. It's like shehas a second head, but it's just the left side of her face. Just supporting her left eye.

She climbed on the wall with a clock. The clock had my face in the middle with both my arms pointing to a number. I had asked a kid what were the numbers for. She said that the numbers tell hours and minutes. The big arm being minutes and the small being hours.

"I think you guys need to go back to the spare parts room, It's 5:30, The manager will be here soon" She said to Bonnie, Freddy, Foxy, and Chica. They said their goodbyes and left. Leaving just me and the toys.

"Well I thankyou for staying with me again tonight, it's always a pleasure having someone to talk to" I said to the four of them.

"It's the best we can do" Toy Freddy said "Just wait a little longer, children will be coming and they will mostly be coming to see you". The toys began walking down the hallway to the main room.

"AND GUESS WHAT?" I heard Toy Bonnie shout from across the hall. His voice was echoing every where. I laughed a bit, he could have just came back here to say what ever he needed to say.

"WHAT?" I yelled jokingly, I did hear him the first time, but I wanted to joke around with him and have some fun.

"I KNOW YOU HEARD ME" He yelled back to me, his voice echoing " I HAVE A FEELING MADELINE WILL BE COMING TODAY!".

I froze at the last part. Madeline. A girl that I have come to adore. She was always so helpful and kind. If I dropped a present and I couldn't reach it because of my strings, she would pick it up for me. If a kid was lost, she would help him or her find their mother. She was just a girl that someone could like. When she first came here she loved every animatronic. Madeline would always play games with Balloon Boy. She loved the music from the band that would play. She even yelled at some kids who were dismantling Mangle. Madeline complained to one of the staff members about it. I remember the whole conversation like it was yesterday.

"Excuse me sir, but I think those children are not following the rules" she said politely to the staff member, I think his name was Tom or something like that.

"What are they doing young lady?" Tom asked her

"they are taking apart Mangle!" She shouted a bit but also tried to stay in a polite manner

"That's what Mangle is made for" He told her

"Thats not very fair. Mangle has feelings too. All the animatronics do!" she protested. But Tom just tuned her out.

She is a very nice girl and I think she cares about us alot. I hope she does come today, that would be a gift for me. I went back into my box and closed the lid. I played my music and drifted off in my thoughts.

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