Chapter 17 It's Been So Long

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A/N: In the media above, I picture Marionette singing this. This is how I think his voice would sound like. Think about it...


Marionette's POV

"Six years" I mumbled to myself. I was sitting alone in my box listening to the faint laughters coming from outside. I looked over at the right wall of my box that had five scratch marks on it. "Guess I haven't been updating it"

I reached out and made another slash mark. I've been counting the years it has been since I last seen Madeline. Toy Freddy told me that I should forget about her already and that if she has been gone six years, there's no way she would be coming back anytime sooner.

I try to forget about her all the time, but it seems impossible for me. When we started our killing plan I thought it would help me to forget about her. But it didn't, no matter how many guards I've killed in the past.

I'm guessing Jeremy never told anyone about that one night, stating the fact we're all still here and the place is always booming with business. Although, no one goes to Prize Corner anymore.

It's like everyone forgot about the gift giving puppet and honestly, I forgot about that side of me too. I'm never visited by humans. Mr. Freddy has some sort of Prize Cart in the game room so Balloon Boy can give gifts.

I don't have anything or anyone. I'm forced to stay here here and feel worthless. The only thing I do own is Madeline's drawing.

I looked over at the drawing that was sitting upright against the clawed up wall. It wasn't in its best shape, wrinkles all over it and the colors on it had faded. The only thing that wasn't badly ruined, was the caption in pink marker.

I took the paper and starred at it. Sadness was taking over me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"It's been so long Madeline"

Toy Freddy's POV

Every night, a guard's life ends. Some do happen to survive a week, but they quit soon after. They had an investigation awhile back. Missings have been reported so a couple of detectives came in and search the place, found nothing, and left.

We didn't have any problems after that. No being sued or being scrapped or put out of order. Our plan is still working correctly. Non of us ever screws up, some times Marionette does on occasions.

If the guard forgets to wind the music box, it takes Marionette forever to go out and attack. As if he isn't paying attention to anything in the world around him. My theory is that Marionette is still not over the whole Madeline thing.

Get over it already! She's dead! End of story! You can't use magical powers to make someone rise from their grave! And if that puppet can't see that now, more hurt is going to come to him in the future. As it did the past six years.

Mangle's POV

Day after day, I'm stuck here in Kid's Cove until the clock strikes 12. My limbs always get yanked off of me by these children. I wish I was back to my old self, but that would never happen. Unless a miracle happened. Which, is very unlikely since all of the events that happen here.

Our plan, yeah it works wonders. But it gets tiring after awhile. That's why I sometimes go into Prize Corner and hand upside down over Marionette's box. The others may be scared of him, but I'm not.

I know what I did a few years back was wrong. I just had to open my mouth and tell Mr. Freddy what Marionette did to that child. I also know Marionette is still having a hard time. It's like he's a monster on the outside, but in the inside he's a softie. Don't let his attack stunts fool you. That puppet, if you get to know him, the real him, he's not all that bad. I just need a way to get him to be himself again. But how?

Ballon Boy's POV

Toy Freddy says its six years of victory for the animatronics, but all I see it as is six years of boredom. I hate doing the routine every single night. When are we going to actually have fun like we used to?

I know it's important and all. But
can't we at least have a night where we aren't watched? It would be nice not having to crawl through a vent and take away someone's power. But that's my role, and I have to stick to it.

Can something please happen that will change the mood of this place? Anything, give us anything.

Toy Bonnie's POV

These have been the lamest six years ever! Every time I try to tell a little harmless to the others, I get yelled at. And it's not just that I get in trouble for, if I mess up with our nightly plan, I get screamed at for three days straight!

I swear this place has turned into boredom city! We can't relax, we can't laugh, it's all so dumb. I can't take it anymore!

If something doesn't change soon, I loose my mind! I've already last half of it! What else do you want from me? If Maddie was still here, this place would be cheerful again. But, the girl is only a memory. Something that can't come back to us no matter how hard we try.

Toy Chica's POV

I've had it with all of this nonsense! I'm sick of walking from room to room to spook a guard! You know what the humiliating thing is? I have to take off my beak to scare the person. My beak!

Have you seen me with my beak off? I look hideous! But that's not the only thing that ticks me off, how Toy Freddy keeps giving us orders.

If that bear gives me one more command, I'll put my hands around his metal neck and snap his head clean off his shoulders! Something good better happen soon. This pizzeria needs it...

Madeline's POV
(Yep you read it correctly)

It's been so long since I've seen my childhood friend. I always wanted to go back, but I just couldn't.

My worry was that if I did come back, Marionette would never forgive me because I made him feel worthless. The last sight I saw before I hit the floor was Marionette, jumping out towards me.

After that I was in the hospital. I didn't manage to break anything or snap my neck, luckily.

Every time I passed by Freddy's, I would sprint so I wouldn't have to face him. I know it's wrong to leave him for six years. But I couldn't handle seeing his face again.

I probably caused him so much pain. He never heard his sweet young girl's voice again. And he never will.

I'm not going back there. No matter what, I'm not going back. There's no reason for me to do so. Marionette probably forgot about me anyways. He doesn't even care about me anymore. He's moved on, and I should do the same.

It's not like he wonders about me every single day...

Does he?

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