Chapter 3 Madeline

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A/N: At the top you will see a picture of Madeline. Her name is pronounced Mad-uh-lin if you didn't know that already. Also, this is the chapter where different points of views come into play. Hey, Marionette needs to take a break once in a while! Enjoy!

Madeline's POV

I was in the car along with my mother. I was wearing a long sleeve white shirt with a dark blue vest. I also had a green tie that matched the color of my eyes. The window on my side of the car was down a little so my long blonde hair was slightly blowing in the breeze. I saw the sign to the place I love, Freddy Fazbears Pizza. When my mom finally picked a parking space I unbuckled my seatbelt as fast as I could. I rushed to the double doors that were the entrence to this amazing place. My mom began laughing as she finally caught up to me.

"Slow down honey" She said to me catching her breath

"Sorry mom" I said to her "I'm just excited to see everyone again. I haven't seen them in along time!"

"Well I'm sure they will all be very happy to see you" my mom said with a kind smile.

When we went inside the smell of pizza greeted us. A waitress came over and brought us to a table. We ordered a pepperoni pizza to share as we listened to Freddy's band. Kids were running around with excitement. I saw some playing games and some even standing close to the stage. I finished up a slice of pizza and asked my mom if I could go play. She said yes so I darted to a hallway.

The hallway was small and it was quiet. No one was probably in the Gift Room since Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica were singing. Well I guess that makes it more special for me because Marionette and I can talk without the other kids interrupting our conversations.

As I walked into the room I saw presents scattered everywhere with one big present in the middle. That's where Marionette is! I quietly walked over to huge present in the middle. I wanted it to be a surprise that I was here. I can't wait to see his face when he sees me. I knocked on the box and ran behind the prize counter to hide. I crouched down and stayed out of anyones sight. There was a small click which I knew was Marionette opening his box's lid.

Marionette's POV

I opened my box's lid. "Hello boys and gir-" I said with excitement but cut off my sentence when I didn't see anybody in the room. I could have sworn I heard someone knock on my box. Something had to have done it. "Uh, hello? is anyone there?" I asked. Nothing, I heard absolutely nothing.

I sighed sadly, I must be imagining things. Everyone is listening to Freddy and the gang's band so people wouldn't come here until they're done singing. I was about to go back into my lonely box but then I heard laughter. It sounded like a little girl's. "Marionette I'm over hear!" said a voice that sounded just like Madeline's. wait, MADELINE.

"Madeline i- is- is that you?" I asked with pure joy as I looked around to find where her voice was coming from. I saw Madeline's head pop out from behind the prize counter. Then she came running over to my box. "Yep! I surprised you didn't I?" she asked me while smiling. I smiled back at her.

"You did surprise me. I haven't seen you in forever! You're still the same age right? It feels like years since I've heard your voice!". She started to laugh again. "I'm still the 10 year old girl you've always known!" she replied happily "The only reason I haven't been here for some time is that I moved! I don't live very far from here now so my mom said I mght be able to walk over here from time to time to talk to you!"

What she said brightened up my whole day! Maybe now she can come around more often so if theother children don't come around to talk I will still have her for company.  This was the most wonderful news I have ever heard. "This is wonderful Madeline! Now you and I can talk all the time!"

We sat there for ages talking about things that we have done while not talking to each other for ahwhile. Then I heard Toy Bonnie coming down the hallway. Strange, I didn't hear anyone else with him, not even a single child! He entered the room, when he saw Madeline he smiled and rushed over to her.

"Hey Maddie! What's up? We haven't seen you in forever!" he said to her. She smiled and hugged him. It's not only me who hasn't seen Madeline in along time, the toys haven't seen her either. As for the animatronics in the spare parts room, they were kept a secret from everyone except the staff. Not even Madeline knew about them. I wish they could see her, we talk about her alot, but they would just like to come and greet her themselves. But, we were not allowed to tell anyone about them. I don't even think that the staff knows they can roam around at night.

Then a thought came to me. The other bots might want to see Madeline again. "Hey Bonnie. Why don't you go get Chica and Freddy so they can see Madeline?" I said to him. He nodded and walked off, probably to find the other two. "I can't wait to see them again!' Madeline said as she began clapping and jumping up and down. I love seeing her happy. It's like everytime I se that little girl, I forget all about not being able to roam.

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