Chapter 29 Healing And Repairing

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Foxy's POV

I looked at the door where Marionette and the others walked out of moments ago. Toy Freddy stood next to me, which had me worried since his anger level is over 9,000. "I swear, I'm going to literally KILL that puppet! Forget killing the guard!"

"Good luck tryin' lad. Do ye really think Madeline would let ye do that? She's already hit ye with a hammer, she'll do it again." I told him, trying not to laugh as I did. I'll admit, that girl can really do some damage. And I'm saying that from personal experience. She hit me in the face with a book.
A/N: Face Book! no...okay

"Guards don't work on the weekends. Some do but only by choice, then they die. I can easily take him out tomorrow nigh-"

"Aren't ye a tad bit worried? Did ye not notice the battle? He'll take ye down again, along with the others."

"Are you doubting me, Foxy?"

I didn't answer him but I had my answer. I was doubting him. Toy Freddy can't be serious. If he tries to mess with her again, well, that's one bad decision he would make.

"Whatever. Mr. Freddy will be here soon so you guys shut down for the day." Toy Freddy ordered and motioned Toy Chica to follow him out the door.

The spare parts room door shut, leaving me and the older models in a poor lit room. Before I did shut myself off, I need to do something.

I walked over to the smashed music box and knelt down before it. Then I used my hook to sweep the pieces into a pile. After I gathered them all, I got up and sat down, about to call it a night. But Chica stopped me...

"Why did you pick those pieces of junk up?"

"I don't think it's any of your concern."

"What are you planning?"

"Who? Me?" I asked and looked down at the pieces of the music box in my hand. I want to fix it. To be honest, after Marionette said all of that, I felt bad for her. No one should have witnessed that...but I can't let anyone find out. I'll be smashed if Toy Freddy figures out that I want to help Madeline, so I have to keep this a secret.

"I'm not planning anything." I said and powered off.

Toy Freddy's POV

Toy Chica and I walked into the dining area and looked up at the stage which Toy Bonnie was on. He sat on the edge of the stage with his legs hanging off of it and watched his foot swing back and forth. Then he let out a sigh and touched his scratched back.

"Well look who's on the stage, it's the bunny hero." I mocked and chuckled a bit. Toy Bonnie looked over at us, a strange evil feeling came to me as he looked at me in the eyes.

"Look who's decided to show his face around me. The demon bear from hell. Don't even try to talk to me. We'll sing for the kids and that's it. I don't even what to hear a word from you either Toy Chica." He said and put his attention back on his swinging foot.

"Whatever. Go on stage Toy Chica, I'm going to Prize Corner." I ordered and walked down the hallway to Prize Corner.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you!" Toy Bonnie shouted from the stage but I paid no attention to him. I just kept walking down the hallway.

Once I got in Prize Corner I marched up to Marionette's box and slammed my fist on it. "I know you're hiding in there puppet! Did you think I was just gonna let our fight go? I'm not! Now open up!"

Silence. I began getting impatient and grabbed the box's lid and flipped it up. I looked inside and saw...nothing. I looked around the room, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Like Marionette vanished...

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