An Important Message

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Hello everyone. How's your day been? Good, good. Okay. I'm going to get to the point so I don't waist any of your time. Now, most of you may be still expecting a new chapter to come up and what not, but the thing is, I'm having writers block.

I looked up some signs for writers block and I found many helpful possibilities why I'm having this author curse. I'm having it because of perfection. I want everything to be perfect so you guys (and girls) don't have to read a chapter full of boring (in my opinion chapters
of boring are in The Marionette).

In my mind, it's not turning out the way I want it, even bough some people say it's good. Okay, next reason.

At school, I'm having to take a state test called PARCC. It's all knew to us since last year and the years before I've been taking an OAA, which is another state test. For PARCC, I have to be at a specific room at a specific time so I think I may be a bit stressed on that since the first part of it is (I think) this Friday. I have straight A's so far on my interim and I wanna keep that up XD. may be some time before the
next chapter comes out and all. But stay patient! All good things come to those who wait, said some important guy in the past. Okay, bye for now!

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