Oh You'll Probably Go To Heaven, Please Don't Cry.

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Song: I Can't Decide (Scissor Sisters I think)

Still Iwa's POV

I continue gently carding the hand that wasn't around Oikawa's waist through his criminally soft hair for at least ten minutes. His breathing's calmed down by now and his head is resting on my shoulder.

He's still in my lap, how did it come to this? Why? I was supposed to kill him.. I turn my head to look at the back of his head, I can't gouge his expression because his face is buried in my (now tear soaked) shirt.

After another few minutes he seems to regain whatever dignity he has left. I guess I can't say anything tho... I let him sit on my lap for over fifteen minutes....

His heartbeat is so loud, I've always had great hearing especially when it comes to hearing humans but this is a whole new level.

Now that I think about it.. did Oikawa forget the whole me calling him human thing? He doesn't seem to understand that I'm not one. Maybe when he gets over his initial terror he'll take some time to think about it.

Speaking of terror, Oikawa finally stiffens in my grasp, seemingly realizing that he looks like the literal poster boy for Stockholm Syndorme right now, he flings himself off my lap with fire in his amber eyes.

I ignore the fact that I miss holding him...

"What the fuck..."

"What the fuck......."

"What the fuck..!"

His what the fucks continue to get more expressive as he paces the sterile room, making a point to stay as far away from me as possible. Can't blame him.

He stops pacing on the other side of the room and looks me straight in the eyes, getting a steely look in his own.

"Okay seriously murder man, what are you planning on doing to me?"  He steps towards me, probably an attempt to like threaten me or be imposing or something but it's not really working..

He looks ethereal, really. Just not like he could take me in a fight.. at all.

"I've already told you this Pretty Boy, I want your blood." I respond with conviction. He looks startled, it's kinda cute...

"What the actual fuck." Ooo he added actual to his phrase.

"Wait.. what are you??" He seems to finally register my calling him "human".

"What do you think, Pretty Boy?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Uhh I have an idea but also, what the actual fuck"  I know he's not dense, he seems to be in some sort of shock. It's actually pretty amusing.

"Mhm" I acknowledge him.

"Colorful vocabulary.." I continue, smirking.

"Oh fuck you.." he responds then seems to realize that he just furthered my statement and begins blushing. What the fuck... (here I am, stealing his favorite phrase) thats actually so adorable.. but you didn't hear that from me.

"Maybe later.." I respond, still smirking. I don't miss the look of fear that flashes through his eyes as his blush darkens.

"Sorry, sorry that's not what your here for Pretty Boy don't worry.." I say quickly, remembering "Asshole" and why I shouldn't be joking about that.. "I do need your blood though so yea, your gonna have to die sooner or later.." The words kinda just slip out, Oikawa's face drains of all color (including the pretty blush..) and he quickly backtracks, erasing any ground he'd made whilst trying to be imposing.

His back hits the wall, eyes still on me full of terror.

I really didn't mean to say that.. subconsciously I know that I probably won't be able to kill him.  Oh well, I'm not gonna acknowledge that part and he definitely doesn't need to know it.

I stalk towards him, or more towards the door that he's blocking rather. I put my hands around his waist (woah, he's got a thin waist) and maneuver him towards the plain bed then open the door and step out. Making sure to lock the door after, I can't handle being in a room with him anymore, it's making my emotions go haywire.

Seriously, what's with this guy..?

I take his phone out of my pocket, ready to look through his stuff again (seriously, if ur gonna judge me, do it for the murdering part not my lack of respecting personal space).

Whelp, there's another chapter. Bravo to me I haven't proofread any of this, feel free to correct my mistakes.

I'm making wayyy to many new fics but I keep getting ideas of what I wanna read (since I really don't like writing these, I'm just kinda projecting what I wanna read even tho tbh it brings me little to no joy) so yea next I'm prob gonna do a criminal x cop iwaoi au because enemies to lovers... Oikawa's gonna be a delinquent cause murphamy used to be my otp and that dynamic was beautiful.. (murphamy fic recs - "The Powerhouse of the Cell", "Red Rope, Red Rope", "'Til Action, Lust"(INCOMPLETE), "Proven Guilty", "Gardening Duty". ) <those are all on AO3, murphamy is a ship from The 100 I'll maybe add more of those if any of u are interested tho the Haikyuu and The 100 fandoms are SUPER different and the shows are like opposites..

Also I started the Zombie Apocalypse AU!! It's not gonna be anything special so u might not wanna go looking for it (is called /Beautiful/ Trauma if u do wanna check it out tho)

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now