Social Media+More Texts

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K so I'm super lazy and don't wanna write in Iwa's pov but I know that I have to for p l o t or should rather... anyways yes.

Also it's like 3am rn whilst I'm just starting the chap and I have sChOoL tomorrow. That's unfortunate for me.

Ugh I really wanna just shift this to third person POV but I hate inconsistency and I started in third person at the first chap but forgot and messed it up so it's too late dhsksv and I can't go back and like fix all of it cause I'm to lazy-

Iwa's POV

I'm now in my room which is actually almost as bare as the one I had left Oikawa in not five minutes ago. The only real difference are the clothes lining my closet and the phone charger on the counter next to the plain (ironically) crimson colored bed.

He plops down onto the bed and lifts Oikawa's phone in front of his face then opens Instagram, feeling like a creep. What can you do really..? I've got literally nothing better on my schedule.

The page was obnoxiously aesthetically pleasing, set with light turquoise and blue colors as the basic overall theme. It looks almost like the dude was a model.. Did I kidnap a model?

There were no images of any sort of family except a kid who looked to be around eight with a buzz cut. Probably a little cousin or maybe younger brother??

There were a few more images, the most prominent figure being a tall dude with short pink-brown hair who always seems to be wearing a smirk. Some other recurring figures were,

a skinny dude with blond hair and excruciatingly prominent dark brown/black roots, an unnerving dude with bright red hair, I don't continue going through cause the images are all the same mostly, just him seeming content with recurring people.

Seeing Pretty Boy in his natural habitat (even in picture form) made the pit in my stomach grow, guilt gnawing at the back of my mind for what I'm inevitably gonna do to him.

From what I was able to gather due to my social media stalking, the dude with the pink/brown hair is his roommate and probably the guy frantically texting him earlier, Makki? Probably a nickname..

I exit the Instagram tab and get another notification from the messages app, this time it isn't from "Makki".


Oiks ur really freaking makki
out, he even convinced Kenma
to do stuff...

Dude where are you??

I swear if u make a joke
about being abducted by
aliens again it's o v e r

I'll officially end this bromance

Brokuto will be my only friend


Ur driving makki
clinically insane

I'm not paying for the therapy
sessions that he's gonna need



Ur really scaring us

Bro we miss u

The name "Tetsu" is oddly familiar for some reason... Texts kept coming in from the unknown guy with the interesting nickname. Iwaizumi was honestly too done to read all of them. Seriously, how much people does Pretty Boy know? This is kinda just annoying.

Oh great, another text from a new person (people, plural)! This is just swell.

K that's that ig very tired and need to do some fun stuff so I'll be back (also sorry to anyone who likes daishou cause- yea- you'll see. dw he's not Asshole but I need v i l l a i n s so yea- if ur really opposed to the idea tell me!!! I can prob find someone else)

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now