Stop Standing There

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Im in science rn sooo- oh well.

PS: this song also doesn't work- except for the title-

Feel free to correct my mistakes.

Oikawa's eyes become slits, probably quickly realizing that he really doesn't have a choice.

He huffs out a derisive breath and turns his face so that it's at a 90 degree angle against the wall facing away from me. His hands are still suspended midair, presumably guarding his fragile neck.

"I swear to god- stop being so fucking stubborn." I growl at him, his eyes shut, he's flinching away from me again, there's a slight tremor in his (now) small frame.

It's almost as if he thinks if he can't see me I won't be able to see him.

It's really stupid.

"Just eat the damn milk bread bitch."

Oikawa's face turns red (blood rush... damn that smells good-) probably in an attempt to not break down again and his eyebrows crease even further to a deeper scowl.

"No! How the fuck do I knows it's not poisoned?" He starts which is kind of a dumb question, I've already made it pretty clear what I want from him and poisoning him wouldn't be very good for his blood..

He continues, "and why the hell wouldn't I wanna starve at this point? Honestly, I want to faint. Then this whole shit show'll finally be over, stupid Iwa-Chan..." my eyes widen at his confession and I fail to reprimand the use of the new nickname.

This is literal torture... genuinely. There's no one to blame but myself.. and I'm not stopping anytime soon.

He crosses his bloodied arms petulantly, finally deciding that if I wanted to drink his blood again idve done it by now.

"Now if you'll excuse me-" Oikawa makes to stand up which is honestly one of the stupidest things he's done up to this point.

I rush to him before he falls (some knight in shining armor I am..) and secure my arm around his waist (most likely the least injured part of his body) as to make sure he doesn't collapse.

"Damnit Pretty Boy, at least drink something.."  the other flinches away from my steadying grip (understandably) and sits back against the wall, giving me a calculating look.

He huffs, really trying hard to portray as much defiance as he possibly can fit in his slender body.

"Fine but this doesn't mean I'm gonna listen to you after this, your coupon has expired. Don't look at me." He flips me off and walks (dangerously unsteady) to the other end of the room where I had set down the Sprite.

He scoffs at the drink, clearly not a fan of Sprite then... okay, picks it up and takes a couple of sips. It's the largest size so I don't expect him to drink too much of it.

After a few minutes of watching him sip the Sprite at the end of my bed (while sprinkling offended looks every now and then), he seems to notice the medical supplies.

"Huh.." He looks at them, thoughtful, "what're those for..?" He looks at me, as if searching for injuries, he looks genuinely curious although not cause he cares, I've got a feeling that if I was ever hurt he'd be amused. And I'd expect nothing less from him.

How does he not realize... okay whatever, that'll probably make it easier for me... right?

After a few more minutes he glances at me, calculating then looks at the store brand milk bread on the floor that if dropped after he rejected it for the second time.

I decide against offering it to him, that'd probably cause him to not want it out of spite.

After another quick glance to me, he sets down the Sprite (careful not to spill) and rushes to pick up the discarded milk bread.

Lucky for him, it wasn't too far away from his previous position, he snatches it up and returns to a spot on the bed somehow even further away from me.

He quickly opens the package and starts munching contentedly on the unhealthy snack.

Who knew all it would take to relatively calm him down was letting him 'take' 'my' milk bread..

He looks back up at me, a little bit annoyed.

"Are you just gonna stand there and watch me orrr..."

"Yea.. after that stunt you pulled last time I can't really leave you alone.."

Oikawa lets out a long-suffering exhale.


I am that stereotype thats like "gAy pEopLe cAnt dO mAth".

Woah wait this took me a full block to finish-

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now