Did I Just Die?

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You know since there SO many adds on this site I think us fic writers should gets some add money jkjk unless 👀👀


Oikawa's POV

I punch the window in a last ditch effort, grunting at the sting in my knuckles from the unnecessary exertion.

The window doesn't budge, it feels almost remnant of  the strong plastic used for car windshields. Not that I've ever punched a windshield before...

The glass doesn't give but I can feel the skin of my knuckle tearing, the warm feeling of blood seeping from the no-doubt-bruised appendage. I can feel the scabbed wounds on my arms and wrists tearing open again.

I don't stop.

This is my only hope. I can feel myself sliding into hysteria.





I can hear myself shouting, oddly enough it's not directed towards my captor.

I continue screaming at the window...




I turn around to look at the man who seems frozen to his spot, watching me struggle.


I make eye contact with the large man as the world goes black around him, kind of like a paper burning at the edges, the darkness seeps from the sides of my vision before it consumes my whole view.

I feel nothing.



Iwaizumi's POV

The smell of blood overflows my senses, strong  sweet and thick, overpowering.

Oikawa is passed out in a heap on the floor, not from blood loss but probably from whatever overwhelming emotions were going through his head...


I snap out of the blood induced trance when the sound of the doorbell rings through the house.

That's fucking weird...

No one knows I'm here, this is an apartment that I barely ever use... it's not even registered under my name.

I go to the door, a little freaked out and open it quickly.

What the fuck...

There isn't anyone on the other side of the door, not even a car parked within sight, nothing is out of place.

I continue looking around for a few moments, the feeling of uneasiness growing in my stomach at a rapid pace.

There's no way that was a malfunction with the doorbell, this place is new, has never had any problems if thats even feasible.

It couldn't have been a random kid playing a prank because there aren't any in this neighborhood.

Suddenly I feel a weird pressure in my neck, I look down, there's a dart embedded in the skin.

A tranquilizer dart.

Wait. There's a tranquilizer dart in my neck?!?

I maintain consciousness for a few seconds more, just enough time to see a man step into sight. From where, I can't register. His face is masked and he looks like he belongs in a cheesy spy movie.

There's something off about him...

Besides the whole tranquilizer thing, there's something seriously wrong.

The next thing I know I'm on the ground, my body has gone entirely numb and my eyelids feel weighed down, the last thing I see is the strange man stepping over my incapacitated body.



Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now