To Justify The Things I Did... (Tonight Will End In Tragedy)

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Maybe the song titles foreshadowing, maybe it isn't. Jk I cant write sad endings- anyways. Yea he's not "justifying" anything but I needed a song soooo...

But yea the song doesn't really work it's ok tho-

Uhm yea.

Oh as always I haven't proofread this so feel free to point out mistakes, it'll only hurt my pride a bit-

(End In Tragedy; Set it Off)

I frantically text Kuroo after realizing that I never asked him how long this would last among asking for other information... also,  how often it was gonna happen..

He replies quickly, telling me that it should only last a few hours. Hopefully he'll be back to normal any time now then..

He says that it should happen every time I use Pretty Boy... well damn if that isn't a major hassle.. although apparently the duration that this condition lasts should lessen overtime, it's not a guarantee though...

Oh fuck, I should probably get Oikawa something sugary, I didn't really drink much but its still a pretty important thing to do if I remember correctly..

Damnit I forgot, I don't have anything sugary in my house... guess I should probably head to the nearby gas station or something to pick up stuff..

"Hey Pretty Boy, what kind of food do you want..?" The other hesitates for a moment, looking at me with big brown eyes full of confusion, luckily the lust seems to have dampened, if only slightly.

Hopefully by the time I get back he's back to normal. Yes, it's probably wrong to leave him alone like this.. okay it's definitely wrong but I really should get him something to help with the blood loss and the gas station is less than a minute away by car..

"Iwa-Chan?" He responds (if you can even call it that) skeptically.

"That's not what I asked, dumbass."

"......milk bread."

I raised an eyebrow at him, milk bread doesn't really have enough sugar... oh well I guess I'll have to get him like a Dr. Pepper or something with it.

After I return from the store with four packs of milk bread and two Sprites (they didn't have Dr. Pepper.) I frantically look for Pretty Boy to make sure he hasn't hurt himself or trashed the place, thankfully, when I return I find him sleeping peacefully on the end of my bed.

He looks so relaxed with his limbs sprawled across the sheets carelessly. I feel kinda creepy for looking at him without his knowledge. After a few seconds I realize that his nap probably isn't as peaceful as id previously thought.

He's letting out little distressed noises, shoulders tensing every now and then..

Is he having nightmares about his current situation?

Who am I kidding, of course he is, fuck.

This is against like every moral code yet I'm still keeping him captive.

Actually it'd probably hurt him if I let him leave, if what Kuroo told me about 'contracts' is accurate...

Wait, there is one way to break the 'bond'...

I could just do what I'd originally intended to do with him and get it over with..

I push the thought back, not really wanting to have it at the forefront of my mind. I quickly notice that his cuts are seeping through, what the fuck.. why hadn't I noticed this earlier..

He was literally bleeding all over me earlier today and I didn't even think to take care of the fucking gashes across his precious arms (damnit why did I call his arms "precious"? That's just weird..)

But really, why hadn't I realized that he was bleeding on my shirt.. oh no.. I haven't changed since then, I look down and am relieved that no one probably noticed the blood on my dark sweatshirt when I was in the store... hopefully they just thought it was water or something. Seriously though, how had I been so preoccupied as to not notice the smell of blood especially when in the grocery store?

I guess I'd kind of gotten used to the smell but that still doesn't excuse that I hadn't remembered the other was so  badly hurt, there were so many opportunities to fix him up.. but nooo I just had to fucking drink his blood- when itd already been leaking from him... oh fuck, no wonder he'd been so tired.

Matsukawa had mentioned through text that the more blood missing, the more uhh sexually frustrated he'd become...

Wait a damn minute- why do I care so much- Pretty Boy is literally my prisoner, my blood bank- yea, it's not right at all but that doesn't mean that I should care so much..

Fuck but I should care, I could've killed this beautiful man..

Wait wasn't I supposed to be doing that in the first place? Fuck, what am I going to do?

I set the groceries on the table and run into the bathroom where Kuroo had insisted I put a first aid kit.. I quickly open it and pull out the bandages, disinfectant and gauze.

Then, I return to the room and set the materials down (after locking the door) to watch as Oikawa wakes up, groggily rubbing his pretty eyes and looking confused by his surroundings for only a few seconds before getting this mortified look, he quickly scrambles back to the farthest edge of my bed and promptly falls off, arms flailing almost comically, if I wasn't so concerned I would've laughed.

Ah, so he's finally back to normal. He must've been extremely exhausted by his previous state and lack of fucking blood to have fallen asleep in the unfamiliar surroundings.


This fic is really fun to write- tho I don't really like the writing style I've got going on.

Oh damnit I still need to find a song- (found one!! not ideal tho)

(I should prob find songs for Semi-Free, Social Media + More Texts and Growing Concern someday too- oh well..)

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now