Its Gone Too Far To Ever Go Back.

465 15 4

Look, it's a decently sized chapter. Are you guys proud?

I have been having a lot of personal issues lately but I wanted to try and give you guys another chapter so I'm currently skipping Graphic Design class to write this lol. Should've brought a phone charger to school-

This story will be continuing so please don't worry guys lol. I hate it when authors just give up on a story randomly with no kind of ending or explanation

As always, please feel free to correct stuff.

Also please vote for this chap if you like it/don't mind because I'm currently losing motivation at a rapid pace.

The cat slowly walks up to me to curl up next to my legs, I gradually lower myself from my crouching position to sit, shivering with fear but still somehow feeling comforted by her presence.

"You know him, don't you?" It's a stupid question. I know that she's not his cat but she did get in his car soo...

She looks at me, unamused and I take it as a yes.

I realize that can't go back home as a pit of dread fills my stomach threatening to swallow me whole.

He has my phone... and Asshole knows where I live.

What am I going to do?

One of them is gonna find me either way.

My hand freezes midair when I hear heavy footsteps, 'he's not even trying to cover the fact that he's found me', I think, spitefully. Way to gloat.

Even though I'm terrified, and can feel my hand shake even while still sitting silently against the cats silky fur. (She's definitely not a stray then, not scraggly enough). I look at the alcove where the sound of footsteps ends and a pair of boots come to a halt. I slowly look up from the dusty combat boots.

Its Iwa-Chan. (fuck me why do I keep using that name)

Of course it's him.

Really... once again, this has all come full circle, with the cat and the alley-way. The silence is actually more awkward this time.

He looks down at me, almost pitying in a way but underneath that expression I see a painful amount of relief. It's kind of overwhelming.

If he needed a 'source' so damn badly why hasn't he just killed me to make this easier on himself..?

"Sooo....." the other's voice sounds gravely from disuse.

"Sooo what?" I reply, "you're not taking me with you".

"Like fuck I'm not" he scowls at me. The audacity of this guy.

From my now crouching position, it would probably be pretty hard to make a run for it and surprise him so I slowly stand up and back away wearily.

This man -not man- vampire has kept me literally chained up in his house. He basically psychologically tortured me with the whole 'I'm going to kill you', 'I'm not going to hurt you', 'you're just a bloodbag' etcetera  etcetera. What he was saying might've been true but it was almost definitely a form of torture..?

"Haha no. I kind of like my freedom, thanks..." I trail off awkwardly while still looking at him wearily, getting ready to make a run for it now that I'm in standing position.

"N-" he starts but is interrupted by me lunging for the exit which he is coincidentally blocking.

I think that I'm about to make it but before I can feel even the slightest bit relieved, there's a large hand on my shoulder, fingers digging into the front of the shoulder. I wince away because, we all know how sensitive that area is... all the veins and stuff.. also I have a feeling this guy could probably injure some of those..

I like my major arteries, thank you very much. Trying to break free from his suffocating grasp (I know his hands on my shoulder, not my neck, but it's still suffocating, ok? and the last time his hands were on me like this I was in for a metaphorical world of pain.

"Hey, get your big-ass hand off me you dipshit!"

"Well that's a new one.." he looks kind of amused, I hate it.

"Shut up fuckface."

He adjusts his grip, seemingly careful of something, has he noticed my large array of injuries? Probably. But he really shouldn't be this careful about that..? It's really out of character for him.

Pff, 'out of character' maybe this actually is some screwed up Twilight fanfiction.

"Hey Edward, why the fuck are you doing this? Seriously, why go through all the trouble..?"

"Edward..?" He replies, confused. It would be pretty funny in a different situation.

"You know.. Twilight." He still looks confused.

Whatever, I give up.

This is probably better than being 'captured' by Asshole again.. right?

Definitely. I think my inevitable death would probably be less painful here.



Still not my ideal way to go though haha...

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now