Locked in a Cage

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Sorry about the really late update and short chapter, my brother got hit by a truck recently- (hes alive and well, just has to stay at the hospital for awhile. it's really just dumb luck that he's still alive though) and my mom left me w/my slightly abusive dad for the foreseeable future. So yes, not the most fun of times. Anyways- here we go!

Iwa's POV

After what felt like ages of tense silence consisting entirely of Oikawa glaring at the wall on the other side of the room, I finally decide to do something.

Something Pretty Boy definitely won't appreciate.

I pick up the 'first aid kit' which piques the others attention immediately then gesture for him to shuffle closer.

It seems like he's learned his lesson from last time I had him get closer to me though- this would probably be a good thing in any other situation but right now I'm the one who needs him to get over here.

Seriously I'm trying to help him.

"Do you really think I'm gonna let you bite me again?? What do you take me for?!" He snarks, obviously not very happy with me.

He seems to realize the mistake he made when opening himself up for further insults and quickly corrects himself,

"Don't answer that." His eyes squint somehow even more drastically.

"Calm down Pretty Boy, I just want to help you..."

This incites an eyebrow raise, maybe not the most persuasive argument. Also how many expressions of petulance can this guy make in one day?

Honestly I don't wanna find out the answer to that.

(That's a lie.)

"Do you really expect me to believe that you wanna help me.?" His voice is rising in both pitch and tone somehow. Getting shrill as his vocal chords are strained for probably the fiftieth time today.

"You've said it yourself, I'm literally your FUCKING BLOODBAG. HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO REACT TO YOU??"

Well this escalated.

Is he wrong though..? No. He isn't.

I am bound to him if Kuroo wasn't lying...

I could just kill him? This is way too much hassle...

Why am I even lying to myself at this point? I cant kill him.. I mean, I can, maybe I will? I just need to do it quickly?


After helping him heal.

Wait that's stupid.

I didn't kidnap him for nothing, I need his blood.


I cant really drink his blood if he's dead?

I mean, I can but that's kind of disgusting honestly.


I'm so sorry that it's so short- ugh I have to think of the chapter name.

As per always this hasn't been proofread- feel free to point out mistakes.

Got it!

Problems - Mother Mother

I dunno if it works for this chap but I kinda like it for this au Iwa?? Maybe I'll change it later tho idk.

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now