Oh You're So Condescending

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'Highway to Hell' fades to black in the background, no longer contrasting with the weird 'swooshing' sound that cars make when moving. Now all there is to hear are the tires on rocky cement.

"Do you at least have my phone with you? I'm bored."

There's a few long seconds of silence

".... I forgot to take it.."

"Are you serious??? That means that he probably got it?"

Fuck, are you serious right now? At least my phone doesn't have any information on my current predicament.. but it does have information on Makki..

"It's not like I would have given it to you if I had it.."

"Just keep telling yourself that Iwa-chan, just keep telling yourself.." I can't believe I called him that stupid nickname again fucking hell.


I startle at the sudden change in song, drawing in a sharp breath.


Oikawa reaches across the seat, his sleeve pulling up to reveal long, deep gashes marring the porcellian skin of his arms, the crimson red contrasts with his skin and its almost beautiful which is disgusting to think.

Oh my god I'm a vampire, a vampire. Why am I judging myself for thinking blood is pretty?

Because it's him, its a wound and it probably caused so much pain.

No because I need that blood, it's practically mine.

Because he's mine.

He catches me staring at the arm and pulls it away, looking at me wearily.

Oikawa sinks back into his seat, getting as far away from me as possible, I roll my eyes even though I know that I'm in the wrong here, I've always been in the wrong here. He was reaching to change the song so I do so as a sort of apology.

"Do you want food?"

"Are you really blackmailing me with food right now? Do you remember the last time you gave me food, wasn't really my favorite memory if I'm honest."

I open my mouth to reply but get cut off,

"No, I clearly remember you fucking drugging me. Seriously, what the fuck was that?"

"Uhh so basically, you're my uhm" I can't think of the word

"I contracted you accidentally."


"You did what now?"

"Uhhh so you're basically stuck with me for the foreseeable future.." I wince

"I thought you knew this..."

"The fuck no? What, do you think I was snooping on you while blitzed outta my mind"

"Now that you mention it..."

He looks at me, so clearly pissed of beyond belief but also behind those eyes is a fear that's all-encompassing, too painful to dwell on.

What have I done? No one deserves to feel this much fear, this much pain..

"Just.. eat this" I say and hand him a Snickers.

You're not you when you're hungry

Tch that sounds like it has some weird passive aggressive hidden meaning.

It doesn't but he still of course scoffs at me and shoves the thing away.

"After everything, do you really believe that I'm gonna eat this?"

"The package is sealed.."

He looks down at the wrapper and I can see a faint tingle of red dusting his cheeks.

"Uhh so?" He deadpans, glaring at me, clearly not wanting to see the fault in his logic or just wanting to be generally stubborn. The glare doesn't have the effect that he had probably hoped for with the tinge of red blush lighting up his face.

I hit a bump in the road and Oikawa sways back and forth precariously, his eyes roll in his head, he definitely hasn't eaten in a while..


"Don't tell me what to do, Muscles." He says while opening the package then taking a bite, pointedly glaring out the window of the car.


Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now