Highway to Hell

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I just started exams in school and I'm dying :// also I have an art account on insta (I don't post iwaoi content there atm sorry) and I have so much owed art so I've been a lol preoccupied!! But I'm bACK with a kinda decently sized chapter it's kinda mostly filler but we're on our way to content! :)


I get thrown in the back of the Mercedes, he really should get a less identifiable car.

"What the hell man!" I squawk at him, he doesn't even respond.

I'm starting to get the feeling that he isn't actually gonna do anything to me, he's had all this time to injure me but so far he's actually been almost... careful..

The real question is why; what are his motives? I mean obviously there's that whole 'you're my bloodbag' etc etc thing but seriously, why go through all the fucking trouble? He's not really getting anything out of this except maybe a few ounces of blood?

Iwaizumi gets in the drivers seat and slams the door behind him then turns to me,

"We're gonna have to go on a road trip." He announces seeming almost as unhappy about the situation as me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you Iwa-Chan." I repeat my previous stance knowing full well I don't really have a choice. He just laughs under his breath at me and starts up the engine.


Ten minutes later, the time seems to fly and stop altogether, some sort of strange paradox where everything is going by so fast yet so slow. It doesn't make much sense but I don't really know how else to explain it, I'm getting jittery, leg thumping against the backseat to the beat of 'I Can't Decide' by the Scissor Sisters.


I honestly would rather be anywhere right now, I wouldn't mind going back to my sophomore year Algebra 2 class when I skipped Geometry and was stuck with a bunch of juniors. Except this time I don't have anyone to help with the stuff I forgot (like that stupid pencil) or to tell me that we actually did have Spanish homework for the next class (and to let me copy the answers).

I would rather be standing across Ushijima after loosing to his team in volleyball. (I can't help but be fond of the nagging idiot).

But no, instead I'm stuck in the back seat of my captors Mercedes a fucking Mercedes.

I can see the vein practically protruding from his forehead in growing frustration. I don't stop. In fact I change beat to 'Hello Kitty' by Avril Lavigne, I wish he could recognize the songs cause that would increase my amusement levels. He looks just about to snap when I blurt out,

"Can you turn on the radio? I can practically feel your frustration man." In the most smug voice I can muster.

He shoots me a look in the rear view mirror and I just smile.

Then he turns it on to a pre-set channel and 'Highway to Hell' comes on.

"Ahh your projecting through your music taste, I guess I won't have to ask where we're going now.." I say, getting increasingly proud of myself. I know he can't hurt me while he's driving and honestly I'm starting to think that he's not gonna do anything either way.


Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now