It Was Really Only You...

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No iwaoi in this one, sorry gotta add pLoT

Also obviously if someone's missing, try to file a missing persons report, don't do anything stupid. I dunno why you'd be reading this when someone's missing... I guess for future reference, just go to the police.

Kuroo's POV

Tooru suddenly goes missing and Iwaizumi basically kidnapped some random dude in almost the same timeframe... could that be a coincidence?

The dude who Iwaizumi contracted's voice was way too slurred to recognize though I have been out with Tooru when he's drunk before..

He's usually a sad drunk so it's really hard to tell if it could be him from the inflection in his voice.. contracting is super different from drugging someone too..

Well, the effects are really similar...


The dude was similarly whiny too Tooru...

He also called Iwaizumi Iwa-Chan which is definitely something even sober Tooru would do.

Leave it to him to give his kidnapper (potential murderer) a nickname.


Whelp, the reason I told Iwaizumi not to kill him was probably because the guy does remind me of Tooru..

It would be way to much of a coincidence for Iwaizumi to have kidnapped him right..?

Who am I kidding, that's just our luck..

Iwaizumi has wayy to many houses for me to recognize the apartment address that Kenma says Tooru's phone is located..

Rich asshole

Who needs that many houses anyway?

Hanamaki's POV

Apparently it's not that hard to track location with "Google's Trusted Contacts" which Kenma had set up with little to no hassle after that last time Oikawa and I had gotten lost in to an abandoned amusement park when trying to take pictures of the scenery...

Ok, so that probably wasn't the best idea but look what it's got us!

Apparently Oikawa's only like 45 minutes away from our apartment, we rush to take an Uber to the general area (none of us can afford cars-).

Once the car pulls up, we all jump in (me, Kenma and Kuroo), I shove my credit card into the surprised mans hand as Kenma frantically rattles off the address.

The dude seems to sense our (obvious) urgency and speeds, probably hoping for a larger tip.

As the minutes tick by agonizingly slow, the situation finally dawns on us, Oikawa's in some unknown persons apartment, probably not of his own free will.

The police doesn't take missing persons reports until like 48 hours after the kidnapping depending on the situation (if my memory from all those "Discovery Channel" shows served correct.. Oikawa loved those documentary things..) Oikawa's an adult, it won't be considered too urgent.. we also have no proof that he even was kidnapped..

The silence is suffocating, I'm positive that everyone in this room (minus the driver guy) is silently freaking out.

Kenma looks lost in thought.

Kuroo looks like he's stuck on some revelation.

There's another short chapter cuz I'm lazy and this was taking me wayy too long.

I might get into why Kuroo refers to Oikawa by his first name in his head while Hanamaki used his last name eventually. Well see how far this goes-

But yes, now Ive gotta find a song-

FOUND ONE! (The Offspiring, You're Gonna Go Far Kid) 10/10 love that song

As per always, this isn't proofread.

ANYWAYS, until next time, bye!

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now