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Ew, Shiratorizawa

Interesting group chat name, sounds like it's the name of a school..? Maybe a competing business, a cult? He seems to young to be a business man but who knows I guess.

You should've gone to
Shiratorizawa, Oikawa.

So, he just gives everyone nicknames? Also, that sorta explains the gc name..

Seriously, Ushijima?

Are you trying to get us
blocked again

Ushijima.. so where'd the "waka" come from? Did he just like mix his names? Also I guess he doesn't nickname everyone? Semi is a legitimate name.. Also again, what do they do to make him block them presumably more than once?

My apologies, that was

Another person?

U weren't supposed to tell

Interesting? I ignore the rest of that conversation when my own phone buzzes, it's a message from Matsukawa.


Thx for bringing Cat

Np, are you ever gonna give her
a name?


Fair enough tbh. Another ding sounds from Oikawa's phone, this time I don't check it because, now that Pretty Boy's in the forefront of my mind, I should probably feed him...

I start walking towards Pretty Boys "room" it's really just where I decided to put him for now but what else would I call it? As I approach the door, contemplating on whether to make my entrance known or just surprise him, I smell something...

Something iron, and sickeningly sweet. Delicious. I mean, I know what it is and the cause (because Pretty Boy's blood has a super distinct smell) but why?

Why is he bleeding so much? Is it something I did, something he did?? I'm going to pretend for now that my concern is just because he's wasting blood that I should be drinking and not because I care for him or anything..

Because I don't.

I'm definitely gonna get around to killing him.

Just... not right now...

Or soon for that matter.

My hand is on the doorknob, mind in a haze I don't think twice before kicking down the door... probably not my best idea.. and I'm gonna have to pay for that.. but whatever.

With the door out of the way, I can now see Oikawa sitting in the front of the room with an impassive expression on his face. There's barely concealed pain in his eyes that he seems to think I can't I can't see...

His hands are still held firmly behind his back, he's no longer straining in them though, body almost completely limp.

Where is the blood coming from, seriously.

I continue examining him for a few minutes, the silence that shrouded the room heavy until I noticed something..

There's a small pool of blood forming behind him, becoming larger by the second as the crimson seeps from whatever wound caused the blood flow.

What a waste..

But why?

Yea I've have his chapter in my drafts for a while now but didn't post it till now cause I thought I wasn't enough words. It almost certainly is not enough words but oh well..

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now