the choir's gonna sing then this thing is gonna kill you

548 21 45

Sorry this took so long, I've been drowning in school and soccer.

Song is 'Two' by The Antlers

This is unedited as always! Please point out mistakes!!

I decide to try my luck walking up the side of the road, hopefully there'll be a police station or payphone somewhere.

Are payphones even a thing anymore? I haven't really heard of them outside of that one 'Maroon 5' song.

Anyways, Asshole and his lackey shouldn't be back for at least another hour. This is a one way highway, probably going onto the interstate.

I walk past a bunch of suspicious looking people, of course I'm in the wrong side of town ha. Too many back-alleys.

Actually... this looks suspiciously close to Murder-Man (Iwa-Chan)'s apartment complex.

Ugh I should really stop subconsciously calling him that nickname..

(Four hours earlier)

Fuck, the car broke down.

What kind of shit hole breaks down after less than two years of use?

I turn to my colleague, from the backseat of the car, my precious unconscious Tooru's head resting on my lap;

"Soo, do you know anything about cars by any chance..?"

He looks back at me and shrugs.

Who the fuck are you supposed to call when your car breaks down..? We usually have father with us to fix stuff when on missions, but we kind of went off the rails with this one..



Oikawa's POV

After only like 5 minutes in the frigid air I start shivering, why was being passed out so comfortable? Maybe because I wasn't aware of the numbness around me.

It's so cold..

I may have forgotten what month it is but I'm sure it's winter.

Mostly because I like blankets and my roommate doesn't judge me when I use a bunch during winter (unlike during any other season...)

I let out a sigh and look up at the grey sky, at least I'm free now.


I hear tired screeching on pavement, blaring car horns go off and I'm violently jerked out of my daze.

Turning to the side I see a blur of black, cold whether sometimes unfocuses my eyesight. I look at the car for a second, a cloud of warm air surrounds the Mercedes.

Wait a fucking second.

The Mercedes.

The black Mercedes.

I break out into a sprint, badly dodging civilians left and right.

I even forget to mumble hushed 'sorry's' to the people I shove.

From the corner of my eye, I see that I spilt hot coffee on some guy.

Ugh I wish I was him, I'm fucking freezing.

I sprint into oncoming traffic, white light fills my vision but I don't stop. The sound of sirens flood my ears, I know they aren't coming to save me..

No one can save me.

But I can try to save myself.

I hear crashing, I must've caused a car accident, I'm a horrible person.

But I have to keep going.

'Just keep swimming.. just keep swimming....'

Not the time.

I roll out into the other side of the four way road on the hard cement and feel the skin on my scalp split.

That stings, I drag my bruised and sliced up body into a standing position and prepare to run, I wish I didn't have to.

I'm aware that this is the other side of the road, how could Muscles get to me now?

I'm sure he has his ways.

I run into a back alleyway and hide behind some old dumpsters.

I guess they were right, everything does come full-circle.


Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now