Oh My God My Head Hurts

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Double upload


Iwaizumi's POV

I wake up with a pounding headache, neck sore from however-many hours with a large dart lodged into the skin and muscle. My attacker probably didn't count on me being a vampire, this dose was definitely enough to kill any normal human being.

Reluctantly I start to stand, groaning from the strain on my muscles, my legs must've fallen asleep from the awkward angle.

Standing up, green dots blur my muddled vision.

"Fuck." I grumble, that was a few hours of my life wasted, wonder what they could possibly want.

What could they want so badly that they had to concoct a plan to kill me? I push off the wall to stumble towards the room that Oikawa had passed out in, he should be up by now...

Oh fuck, whatever that dude was looking for, Oikawa might have been in the way...

They tried to kill me, whose to say they wouldn't want to kill Pretty Boy as well...

I heave a sigh of relief because I can't smell any blood coming from where I had left him.

Wait... there was blood on his hands....

Even if it's dried I should be able to smell it..

Oh fuck.


Oikawa's POV

Slowly, my senses start coming back, I hear the grumble of a car engine, tires rolling beneath me at a steady pace. The feeling of leather under my still limp body. There are people in the car, I can hear them taking to each other in hushed voices.

Almost as if they expect me to wake up soon.

... they probably do expect me to wake up soon.

One of them has me practically on their lap...

What the actual fuck?!?

I'm careful about not outwardly reacting, it seems like they're too engrossed in conversation to notice me tense up.

What happened after I passed out?!

Where's Iwa-Chan?

What the fuck?

My body's sore, did he fucking bite me because I fucking swear-

Did he sell me to the creeps in this dingy vehicle?

Is he even in this vehicle?

My heads sore and the man, his voice indicated that he's probably a man, harshly shoves my legs to change the angle of my knee that was probably digging into his calf.

(Whose fault is that, fuckin asshole)

Which, just my luck, jostles my bad knee. I try to suppress the pained whimper it causes but to no avail.

"Ooo look, the bitch's up!" The man announces (unnecessarily loudly, if you ask me) to the other.

"Who are you calling a bitch, bit-" I'm cut off by a smack to the face. Wtf, he could at least have the decency to punch me. Actually that would make the headache worse but- still.

"What the fuck, what do you fuckers want from me anyw-" I'm cut off again -the audacity of these assholes- by something fabric shoved down my throat.

Ugh not this again.

Whatever they gave me must be sedating me or something, why am I not freaking out?

Am I the only one getting deja vu here?

Nah it was Iwa-Chan who kidnapped me last time, these guys dunno that...

Unless he's in the car with them.

Fuck, they must have something blocking my eyesight...

They stuff something that must be covered in chloroform in front of my nose.

I don't even have the time to be proud of myself for remembering what chloroform is.

The world goes black again, it's kind of peaceful this time.

It really shouldn't be though.


Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now