Do I Wanna Know?

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Not me listening to the Night Call playlist whilst writing an Iwaoi fic...

Also this fic does NOT have self harm, the arm wounds were not done by Oikawa to himself.

Also I decided to put lyrics for the songs on each chapter as the titles! Because yes...

Oikawa's POV

I decide that the best route to take would be to make a run for it, I'm not really in the right state to be fighting and even if I was, there probably would have been no chance against this guy...

He really is buff... I mean- back to the escape plan.

The door is slightly ajar but Muscles is standing right in the way, it doesn't seem like he's gonna move anytime soon, his gaze is really focused on something right behind me, huh..


He sees the blood.. stupid fucking "vampire" seriously, what is with him claiming to be a horny teens fantasy? Like huh???? Weird serial killer...

Anyways... I should probably try to escape about now, my mans gonna be coming up behind me hopefully to check on the binds so that's probably gonna be my chance...

Although, pretending to pass out would add effect.. and take him by surprise, the blood loss would help make it more believable too.

Settling on my plan of action, I steel myself for the fall and go completely limp, falling sideways, hopefully catching my captor by surprise.

I hear him let out a sigh, probably from aggravation, the footsteps sound around me, I can tell that he's on the side opposite to the direction that I fell. I immediately leap up and sprint for it.

Yanking the door, and hopefully hitting the dude in the face on my way out, I continue down a flight of stairs, helplessly ignoring the prominent limp that's increasing with every step I take, stupid fucking knee injury...

The adrenaline overpowers pain though and I make it to the front door after just a few seconds, Muscles only a few feet behind, fuck I'm screwed...

He grabs my shoulder and yanks me back into him.

Iwa's POV

What the fuck is he thinking, even if I hadn't caught up to him, the front door is obviously locked...

I'm careful not to grab either of his mangled wrists, why do I care, you might ask. I still don't know.

By now Pretty Boy's sobbing, the sounds just faint hiccups and I can tell that he's trying not to let them escape and failing.. His expression really is heartbreaking. Wft?!? Shut up conscious.

I drag him back up the flight of stairs, this time heading to my room, seems like he's gonna need to be watched a little more vigilantly, dude can't be trusted not to hurt himself.

Stupid bitch.

The fuck was he thinking??

"The fuck were you thinking?!?" I decide to voice my thoughts, he shrinks back, tear-glossed eyes flashing with fear. He's probably already noticed that I'm taking him somewhere else.

"Where the fuck are you taking me?!?" He asks, imitating my previous inflection on "fuck".

"I don't need to answer that, Pretty Boy." I respond firmly, pointedly ignoring what was probably supposed to be mockery.

"Uh, yea you do.." He replies, snarky. It doesn't have the intended effect though, tears were still staining his face.

He definitely realizes the seriousness of his situation here but is choosing to ignore it if the regret in his eyes after sarcasm left his mouth is any indicator.

I heave a long-suffering sigh, lifting my hand to run it through spiky hair, this caused a huge reaction from Oikawa..

He flinched back, whole body wracked with sudden shivers. The hands guarding his face are shaking so violently..

From behind the cracks between his splayed fingers, I can see more tears rushing out of the shut eyes, streaming down his porcelain cheeks, the color almost completely drained of his face..

He's completely frozen in that position, panicking. It gives me an unfortunately perfect view of his ruined arms, bloodstained, torn gauze dangling off his wrists, wrapped all the way up to his elbows on either arm.

Who the fuck did that..?

Please don't tell me it was himself-

Welp, that's all for now folks. Read Night Call for clear skin.

I have not proof read this so feel free to point out mistakes.

(Find it under the iwa/oiks relationship tag on ao3 after typing in its name. It has over 100k words and is incomplete)

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now