Driven by Hate, Consumed by Fear.

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Iwaizumi's POV

With Oikawa curled up in the back of my car like a petulant cocker spaniel, I have time to think about what to do next..

I've gotta kill the fuckers who did this to him, they deserve to have their intestines turned inside out, the disgusting motherfuckers. Now, one might think that my desire to fuck them up is only out of some weird possessiveness over Oikawa and yes, fair but no one deserves that treatment.

I have killed people, definitely, but I've never treated anyone in such a foul way. It could be argued that I am torturing Pretty Boy over there but... well. psychologically, maybe, not in the same way though - okay.

You can basically hear his vengeful thoughts back there.

Glancing into the rearview mirror, I can see a flash of fear go through Oikawa's already angrily-teary eyes at the sight of a vehicle? I caution a glance at the make and model of the car, its a (INSERT CAR HERE) with a generic liscence plate.


That could probably give some hints to who Oikawa's other captors were, whoever knocked me out and abducted the guy...

My mind is made up, I am going to take Oikawa to another apartment building to drop him off and get to 'sluething' (as Kuroo has referred to it previously).

The music blaring through my car could only really be described as 'Dad rock'

'Enter Sandman' thrums as a backdrop to the subpar 'plan' that I'm coming up with.

All I know for sure is that skull bashing is so aggressively on the table.


Iwa-Chan's eyebrows furrow and he glances back at me, if this man drops me off in anothet dark room, I swear to god I will be commiting some violent crimes.

I don't care how buff this guy is, he can't anticipate a never-ending barrage of 'sneak-attacks'.

"What are you scheming about up there, Muscles?" I try to break the silence, not in an amicable way - mind you - there's plenty of venom in my voice, I'm sure.

"Thinking about how much you look like a cowering cocker spaniel.."

what the fuck

"What the fuck man?"

"What part about this situation makes you think it's a good idea to insult me?? Seriously?"

He at least has the decency to look slightly ashamed. A little bit.

No seriously, he called me a dog?! What.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now