Stuck With Me

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I just realized it's been a while since I updated this- but yes!! My foot is in the process of healing and we have more
p l o t . Yay!



Also I haven't proofread any of this sorry-

Iwa's POV

The silence lasts for what must've been at least a minute.

The audio cracks and two voices can be heard cackling on the other side of the line.

...did he seriously call Kuroo just to laugh at my misfortune?

Who am I kidding, of course he did.

The other end is just filled with the two of them cackling and wheezing for the next few minutes, the extra noise seems to unsettle Oikawa although only slightly because he burrows further into my chest, muttering something about "rude hosts" which makes sense but also what?!

After the two calm down enough to form coherent sentences, Kuroo speaks up,

"What the fuck are you on about man?" He sounds more than slightly like a hyena when laughing, a fact that I unfortunately don't really have enough time to bully him for.

"So you're telling me that it's not normal..?" I gathered that after their initial reaction but still had to be sure.

"Yea, theres only one situation where that could happen.." Kuroo elaborates, if you could even call it that...

"Okay... so..." I try to prompt the other into further explaining.

Finally, Kuroo says,

"Did you by any chance... contract him..?"


"What do you mean, 'contract'?" I reply, what's Kuroo on about?

"You've seriously never heard of contracting before..?" The other asks, sounding unimpressed. My silence should be answer enough to his question.

Matsukawa's gone all but silent on the other end, probably listening intently to the conversation.

"It means that you're basically bound to eachother.." Kuroo explains, almost tentatively then continues,

"Unless one of you dies or... the contracted is used for their intended purpose.." Kuroo sounds concerned now,

"What were you thinking when you contracted him..?" He asks, is this supposed to help him find out how to use Oikawa for his "intended purpose" cause if so, they're really out of luck...

"I was out of my mind when I bit him if that's what you mean.."

Oikawa snuggles closer to me, and mumbles,

"Stupid Iwa-Chan" into the fabric of his shirt. Oh so he's coherent enough to insult me but not enough to open his own fucking eyes..

Uh huh, makes total sense.

I try hard not to acknowledge the huge part of me that's relieved by the fact that the other seems to be slowly returning to normal (even if it's at a painfully stilted rate-)

I hear muffled amused laughter on the other end, did they seriously hear that?!


"Aww Iwa~Chan~~" Kuroo coos at him, apparently having dropped the whole 'I'm stuck with a stupid bratty human for the foreseeable future', "such a softie for your contracted~" I huff in response, not planning on giving Kuroo a proper response.

"Shh, Kuroo, wouldn't want our Iwa-Chan to get defensive~" Matsukawa chimes in.

"Oh and, as long as you guys are contracted, your 'source' is gonna be immortal too" Kuroo informs me on a more serious note, well that crosses Oikawa dying of old age off the list of possibly peaceful solutions. I huff an annoyed sigh.

"Aww our Iwa~Chan's salty~~" Matsukawa adds (unhelpfully) I'm about to retort but before I get the chance Oikawa mumbles a little

"Pff Salty Iwa-Channn~" He sounds almost as if he was too tired to finish the nickname without dragging out the last syllable.

Kuroo laughs in earnest after hearing Oikawa's slurred input, "I like him." He says matter of factly, "so don't murder him please, or at least try not to.."

"No promises.." I reply gruffly, then abruptly hang up because I can practically feel the onslaught of teasing before it comes out of the duos mouth.

What am I gonna do now?

Huehue, what shall Iwa do? That is the question.

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now